(31-36) followers. Some are ‘‘blind leaders of the blind,’’ while others apparently are ‘‘willingly ignorant.’’? Like the Pharisees of old, some have taken away from their too trustful followers the ‘‘key of knowledge,’’ and are grieved that the people are now being taught better. However, the result is that some are getting awake and learning to think, and to study the Bible for themselves, who otherwise might have slept on. It is God’s ‘‘due time’’ for his faithful to be awakened and to come to a knowledge of the truth; and for aught we know he is using the wrath of man to praise himself. THE WATCH TOWER Brooxtyn, N. Y¥ A still more despicable course is followed by some claiming to be ministers of Christ. Unable to controvert Pastor Russell’s teachings they slander him shamefully. Professing to be Christians, they insinuate and come as close as possible to infracting the lowest standards of human law respecting slander and libel. They that preach the Golden Rule and profess to believe that everybody who breaks it is going to everlasting torture, do they forget the words of St. John that their course is in the sight of our Lord really ‘‘murder’’?—1 John 3:15. Vou. XXXIV BROOKLYN, N. Y,, FEBRUARY 1, 19138 No. 3 THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP ‘‘Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it.’’—1 Cor. 4:12. Since God himself is love, the very highest ideal of perfection which he has given to his people is the standard of love. We cannot imagine a higher standard than this, nor one more difficult to attain. It is the special characteristic without which none will get the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. This mark of perfection was stamped on our Lord. He delighted to do the Father’s will in all respects, even to the extent of laying down his life for those who, on account of Adam’s sin, were under the sentence of death. Our Lord did not, however, need to run toward this mark of perfect love; for he was always perfect—‘‘holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.’’?’ (Heb. 7:26) The church, on the contrary, are naturally imperfect and fallen by heredity; but we have been washed from all stain of guilt in the blood of the Lamb. The mark of perfect love we attain gradually. We first reach perfection of heart intention, and then we pass through experiences which crystallize our characters in righteousness. In all of these trials and difficulties, we must demonstrate that, if our physical organism were perfeet, we would always do God’s holy will. As we see this quality of love in our Lord Jesus, we appreciate it, even though we realize that we are not up to the standard which God requires. Nevertheless, our great desire is that we have perfect love for everything in harmony with the will of God. After we have reached perfection of heart intention, the test is no longer upon us of attaining the mark, but of pressing down upon that mark until our character has heen crystallized. As the Apostle Paul says, ‘‘Having done all, stand.’’ (Eph. 6:13) We do not progress beyond perfect love; for no one can do more than to have a full desire that God’s will be done in him, He could do no more, whether he lived five years longer or fifty years. Perfect love is the mark toward which he pressed, and he can attain no higher standard. While one stands at the mark of love, the tests grow stronger. We pass through experiences—often trivial enough —which tempt us to malice, envy, anger and strife. If we are overcome by these tests, and fall away from the condition of perfect love, we shall lose the prize for which we are running. (Phil. 3:14) One who thus falls away may get into the great company for development; but if he were to lose all love, he would go into the second death. In either of these cases, the person has moved away from the mark of perfect love, the only standard for those who desire to be in the kingdom and to participate in the glorious things which God has in store for those who love him supremely. GENEROSITY AND BENE V OTN Gn gy HARACTERISTIC OF GOD’S Our Lord desires to see in his followers the disposition to overcome the weaknesses and tendencies of the fallen condition and to follow in his footsteps. Of him it is written, ‘‘Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow in his steps; ... who, when he was reviled, reviled | not again; when he suffered, he threatened not.’’ (1 Peter 2:21-23) ‘To be reviled is to be made to appear vile, to be evil spoken of, slandered. The natural tendency of all is to resent injustice, to render evil for evil, to give as good as we get—and a little more if possible. This is the natural inclination beeause we are in the fallen condition, unbalanced in our minds. Our Lord’s teaching is all the opposite of the spirit of reviling. No matter how much we are reviled, we are not to revile in return; no matter how much we are persecuted, we are not to persecute in return. This is the law of the new creation. Instead of reviling again, we are to bless. This does not mean that when one has said a slanderous thing of us, we are to say, ‘'God bless you’’; but that if the person is in difficulty and needs help, we are to overlook altogether what he has done to us, and be just as ready to help him as any other person. This spirit of generosity and benevolence should be the spirit of the Lord’s people. We are to bless those who revile and persecute us by doing them good and by explaining to them, if possible, the situation, which evidently they have misunderstood. We are to bless them by helping them, if opportunity offers, out of darkness into light. Our faith is greatly strengthened by considering the course of our Lord and noting the similarity between his experiences and ours, Both he and his apostles were persecuted by the Jewish household of faith. The whole Jewish nation professed to be God’s people; and our Lord recognized them as his own, as it is written, (John 1:11) Yet when ‘‘he came unto his own,’’ they received him not, but persecuted him and even crucified him. Later, they persecuted his apostles and their followers. Apparently the household of faith has had a monopoly of persecutions. All down the Gospel age, those who have professed to be God’s people have persecuted others. Both Catholies and Protestants have persecuted each other and the Jews, God’s chosen people. The majority of persecutions have been by those who professed to be the people of God, many of whom really thought they were. The persecutions of today are of the same kind. from those who profess to be the Lord’s people. In harmony with this fact is the Seripture which says, ‘‘Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.’’ (Isa. 66:5) This statement applies also to the members of our own families, who are not in sympathy with the truth; that is to say, any persecutions coming from the members of our families are usually from those who profess to be Christians. As a rule, their opposition is not for personal reasons, but on account of some doctrinal point, which they do not see in the same light as do those whom they persecute. It behooves the Lord’s people to look with great sympathy upon those who may be their persecutors. We recall instances where persecution has been carried on with the thought that the persecutors were doing the will of God. Those who persecuted the Lord Jesus were to some degree ignorant of who he was. In Acts 3:17, St. Peter says, ‘‘And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers.’’ St. Paul says, ‘‘Had they known it, they would not have erucified the Lord of glory.’’ (1 Cor. 2:8) When Saul of Tarsus persecuted St. Stephen and others of the early church, he verily thought that he did God service, as he himself afterwards tells us.—Acts 26:9-11. FIDELITY TO THE TRUTH A CAUSE OF PERSECUTION All down through the Gospel age, those who have been faithful to the truth of God have been put ‘‘out of the synagogue.’’ The creeds of men have been barriers to keep out those who understood the Word of God. There was a time when many were excommunicated as heretics because of conscience. One of these was Michael Servetus, a brother Christian, whose horrible death at the stake was brought about by John Calvin. This course of conduct literally fulfilled the Scripture which says, ‘‘They shall put you out of the synagogue: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.’’—John 16:2. Those who had charge of the synagogues were not always bad people, but they were mistaken, as was Saul of Tarsus when he haled men and women to prison. (Acts 8:3) The same conditions exist today. The darkness hateth the light. When any become enlightened in the Word of God, they are told, ‘‘If you stay with us, you must not present these matters.’’ Those who are loyal to God are in this way forced out of the synagogues, Our day has a peculiarity, however, that other days have not had. The divine plan is so beautiful that by its light we see that others are in darkness. The voice of God, the voice They come [5172]
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