LETTERS OF INTEREST HELPED BY CRITICISM Deag BRETHREN :— How I have awaited this opportunity to thank you for your service in passing upon my answers to V. D. M. Questions! I not only received a rich blessing in trying to answer the questions, but what a wonderful help your criticism has been! For instance, question No. 12, “What will be the fate of the finally incorrigible?” I answered, “Second death.” The criticism on the answer was, “Indefinite.” At first I wondered how that could be. But since, some one has given me one of Haldeman’s pamphlets criticizing Pastor Russell. He says, “After the first death there is a resurrection both of the just and unjust. After the second death there is no resurrection. As the soul survives, but has no resurrection body, then those who take part in the second death continue to exist as disembodied souls.” I surely see why question No. 12 needs a definite answer, for none but Bible Students know that death means complete destruction of being, which is everlasting in the case of the second death, “Christ dieth no more.” I see, too, how answer to No. 4 was indefinite. In question 2 I failed to refer to Stupigs, the wonderful books that helped me out of gross darkness into marvelous light. I assure you that I shall study to give more clear-cut answers to all who ask for a reason for our glorious hope. I was a Baptist Sunday School teacher once. I know well what they believed and taught. I have to laugh at Dr. Haldeman; he is so hopelessly mixed up trying to discover some way out of the ridiculous plight his doctrine places him in, since Pastor Russel] hag turned the light on. Again thanking you, I am, Yours in his service, Mrs, JAMES WrRiIGHT.—Ohio, NEVER READ ANYTHING 80 GOOD Dear Biste House BsaeTuren :— I won’t bother you but for just a moment. I can’t keep from saying a few words of appreciation. But let me thank you for sending the seventh volume. It is grand! I have read since receiving it Revelation and I have never had anything do me so much good. I wish I could help you. But you have my prayers. I have vowed to put forth greater zeal, and to strive harder for the mark. My love is too great to put in words for ail of God’s gifts. So I will close, hoping soon to see you all. Through the merit of the dear Lord. Wm. BIccERSTOFF.—Kan, GRATITUDE FOR PASSING A SUCOESSFUL EXAMINATION Drag BRETHREN IN CHRIST:— I have received your report on my answers to V. D. M. Questions. I cannot find words to express my joy to you when I noted I had received the required 85% or more, I thought the best I could do was to lift my heart in humble gratitude to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ, who ig the Great Examiner of the V. D. M’s_ I will very carefully search 7 the citations omitted and study the incomplete questions. anking you for your service and praying God’s blessings on all your labors, T am yours in the Anointed, J. J. Lyncen. DANIEL IN THE LIONS’ READ THE VOLUME IN SIX DAYS Deak BRETHREN :-— The volume reached me 0. K. It was a most joyful surprise. I was only six days reading it through, and today, the seventh day, I began canvassing for it; have taken some orders. It would be impossible to measure the worth of the seventh volume in dollarg and cents; however if I were so fixed financially, I would take more pleasure in remitting $60 than 60c, which you will find inclosed in stamps. Your brother in the service of the King of kings. Tos, HoLpen,— Mich. THINKS IT A WONDERFUL BOOK DEAR BRETHREN :— I received the seventh volume a week or ten days ago, and it ig a wonderful book, full of light as to how we should walk during the remainder of our pilgrimage. I cannot thank the Lord enough for this timely help. Find herewith sixty centa in payment for the book. I am hoping that the work will be issued in pocket size, as I have the other six volumes so, but if not I am going to send for ten or a dozen copies soon ag I am able. Yours in the Lord, D. D. Downinc.—Kansas Oity, Mo. 7TH VOLUME THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION Dear BRETHREN :— Herewith enclosed please find Post Office Money Order, covering cost of the seventh volume, “The Finished Mystery.” It was the sweetest surprise of my life. “The Seventh volume” is now the topie of the day among the friends here. You evidently anticipated our anxiety to get this volume, and I want to thank you very kindly for your consideration in sending this wonderful book to me in the manner you did, With much Christian love to you, dear brethren, I remain, Your fellow servant, G. G. NyBEcK.—Minn. 7TH VOLUME CAME AS SWEET SURPRISE DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN IN CHRIST :— Not before, but just when we needed it, came the seventh volume. Praise ye the Lord! God bless the memory of “that servant!” How sweet to know that he has held high the banner of the Lord, faithful even unto death; and won an immortal crown of glory, and to be forever with the Lord, whom he loved and served sco well! Find enclosed price of the volume. Thank you for sending it right along. Although I had been thinking incessantly of it the past few weeks, it came as 4 sweet surprise, I was sewing when it was laid in my lap, but when I looked in the end cover, I said with great joy: “Thank the Lord, for the FINISHED MYSTERY”! And now, dear ones in him, it remains for us to make our calling and election sure. He has provided the whole armor, in the use of which we may conquer by his grace. So let us strive to keep the weeds out of the garden of our heart, that the flowers of love may have room to enlarge. I aw your isolated sister in that blessed hope, Mars, K. M. REED.—Md. DEN (The first fifteen paragraphs of this article were reprinted from article entitled ‘‘Daniel in the Den of Lions,’’ published in issue of July 15, 1899. The remainder was reprinted from article entitled ‘‘Greater Is He That Is on Our Part.’ published in issue of October 1, 1905. Please see the articles named.] Vou. XXXVI BROOKLYN, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 15, 1917 No. 18 THE FINAL CONFLICT “*Put om the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, againat powers, against the rulers of the darkness of thia world, against spiritual wickedness m high places.’’--Eph. 6:11, 12. Darkness hates the light. “Ye are the light of the world,” said the great Master concerning his people. The church is near the end of its earthly pilgrimage and the hour of the final conflict is at hand. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The words of St. John now seem appropriate: “Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive the full reward.”—2 John 8. For more than six thousand years a great battle has been waged between good and evil—light and darkness. The fight has involved the entire human family. God in his wisdom has permitted the forces of evil to prevail for a time, but the time is near at hand when the tide of battle shall turn. The conflict has resulted in great carnage, thousands of millions ViI—21 [6141] having succumbed to the agencies of darkness. It has been attended with untold sorrow. The fight had its beginning when our first parents were driven from Eden. It will end only at the end of the Millennial age. When Jesua was on earth he fought the same good fight of faith, and for a time it seemed that the enemy had vanquished him, but shortly he proved that he had triumphed over death and the grave. His victory was complete—his reward the highest of all. Through him God brought life and immortality to light, and has made known his purposes to ali who have imbibed his spirit and sought to follow in his footsteps. Feince Pentecost God has been selecting the church, the (271-265)
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