DECEMBER 1, 1900 and by no possibility could they have been amongst those ealled to the election of this Gospel age. (c) It includes those who have heard of Christ as the Redeemer, and have appreciated him as such, and have accepted him as their Saviour; but who like the nine of the ten lepers cleansed by our Lord at his first advent, thought not to return to give glory to God—thought not to present their bodies living sacrifices in his service. These having reached the point of justification were, undoubtedly, amongst the ones called; but they failed to make their calling and election sure, not caring to respond to the call. Of this class, apparently, are the thousands, the masses of church members of the various sects. They are glad for what they see, but not anxious to see any more, as, intuitively, they realize that further knowledge would bring greater responsibilities, which they desire to avoid and not even to think much about. These last mentioned “receive the grace of God [the privilege of justification] in vain.” (2 Cor. 6:1) The intention of this reckoned or faith justification of the present time is to enable the justified ones to present their “bodies living sacrifices, holy, and acceptable to God,” their reasonable service; because they could not be acceptable to God as sacrifices, nor in any sense of the word come to his altar, while still they were sinners. Since to permit this sanctification and sacrifice is the only object of the giving of this grace in the present time, they have received it in vain, in that they have not used it as God designed it to be used by those who are appreciative. Amongst this second class of non-elect, we may say that the vilest are too good to be turned over to devils for an eternity of torment, either mental or physical, and God their Creator was too wise to have ever made them in such a condition ag to necessitate such an abominable result, so inharmonious with his character and with every sense of right and justice, and necessitating the everlasting perpetuation of evil, upheld, and therefore sanctioned, by divine power. And God's Word, rightly understood, teaches no such thing. It is only where the false theory has corrupted and perverted the judgment that it is able and willing to construe such a theory from the parables, symbols and “dark sayings” of our Saviour, instead of understanding and construing them much more 1eascnably and in full accord with the divine character of nustice, wisdom and love.* NO CONDEMNATION POSSIBLE UNTIL AFTER TRIAL If the worst class of non-elect do not deserve eternal torment, the less degraded certainly would not deserve it; and indeed we are to remember that none of them can deserve any punishment until first of all they have had their trial. True, the whole race had a trial in father Adam, in Eden, and when he lost in that trial the whole race lost life and came under the sentence of death. But in harmony with the divine plan, our Lord Jesus redeemed Adam and all his race by giving himself as the ransom-price for Adam and thus incidentally for all. We are to remember that Jesus was not only the Redeemer of the church, but also the Redeemer of the world, as it is written: ‘He is a propitiation for our sins, and not for ours [the church's] only. but also for the sins of the whole world."—1 John 2:2. *See What Say the Scriptures About Hellf—Sample sent free on vostal card request ZION’S WATCH TOWER (357-358) If then all these non-elect have been redeemed from the first trial and its sentence with the same precious blood which redeemed the elect church; and if the church, by the grace of God, has had her trial in advance of the world in general, and if the church’s trial was the result of the redemption, and without that redemption she could have no further trial for eternal life, is it not manifest that the same redemption has provided a trial for the whole world of mankind, as well as for the church of this Gospel age? And what matters it that the trial of the world did not take place at the same time as the trial of the church? Has not the great God, our Saviour, the full right to arrange this matter of salvation according to his own wisdom? Who amongst fallen men is competent to direct him? And yet this is what Christian people have been doing; they have been attempting to arange the divine plan, instead of hearkening to God’s own revelation respecting the same. They have said, but he has not said, that the present life is the only opportunity for trial, and that this trial-time will end with the end of the Gospel age. He, on the contrary, has foreseen their misrepresentations of his plan, and has caused it to be written aforetime through the prophet: ‘Mv thoughts [plans] are not your thoughts [plans], neither are vour wavs my wavs, saith the Lord; for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than vour ways and my thoughts [plans] than your thoughts [plans].”—Isa. 55:8, 9. The Seriptures tell us specifically respecting the Lord’s plan for these non-elect. We will give it first in our own phraseology, and then we will give the Scriptural language. Thev tell us that the church is being selected from the world in advance, in order that this little flock, thoroughly trained in the school of experience, thoroughly polished and in full conformity to the Head, Christ Jesus, is. with their Head and Lord, to constitute the Roval Priesthood, whose work will only begin after its election has heen completed and it has been received into glory; and that its work will be the judging of the world of mankind, not in the sense of pronouncing condemnation upon them, but in the sense of granting to each member of the non-elect a trial (judgment) for eternal life. That trial of the non-elect is guaranteed, based upon the great ransom-sacrifice wherewith al] mankind were purchased from the death-sentence that came upon al] through Adam — And that this trial-time, or day of the world’s judgment, will be the Millennial day (a thousand years long), in the which full opportunity shall come to all, full knowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth, as the waters cover the great deep, and a full blessing of eternal life mav be attained by whoever wills and obeys, of those then on trial; and that the remainder (the unwilling and disobedient) will be destroyed in the second death. Among the many Scriptures supporting this presentation we cite two which are very pointed and should be fully satisfactory if there were no others. “God hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world [future] in righteousness, by that man whom he hath ordained”—the Christ, Head and body.—Acts 17:31. “Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world?” —I Cor. 6:2. THE ULTIMATE END OF THE COMMANDMENT IS LOVE FROM A PURE HEART AND A GOOD CONSCIENCE “Now the end [ultimate object] of the commandment is love from a pure heart and a good conscience, and an undissembled faith —which some, having failed [to discern] have turned aside to foolish talking.”—1l Tim. 1:5. Not only in the Apostle’s day did many fail to get the true idea of religion—the Lord’s commandments to his people, etc. ~—-but many, probably an increasing number, have since similarly failed. We may suppose that the method of the great adversary is to confuse the minds of those who are feeling after God and righteousness. It is thus, as the Scriptures declare, that he deceives the whole world—putting forms, ceremonies, theories and confessions instead of heart religion. Those who teach the monstrous false doctrine that the present life decides the fate of every human being, either for eternal misery or for eternal jov, consider this doctrine the very bulwark of pure Christianity and of holiness, consequently many who really do not believe it tacitly give it their consent and approval, believing that in so doing they are forwarding the cause of holiness. But this is a great mistake: this is one of the great adversary’s delusions, by which he would make the piety of God’s people serve his cause, (1) because this doctrine dims the divine glory as respects love and justice, and (2) because the doctrine, instead of cultivating or promoting holiness cultivates and promotes the reverse of this, as we shall show. The theory that the present life is merely to decide who are worthy of eternal joy, and who are worthy of eterna] torments, resolves itself finally m the general thought as signifying that all fiendish characters may perhaps be worthy of some kind of ill-treatment to all eternity, provided they shall not breathe a prayer of penitence at some time before they expire; but that alJl half-way decent people are too respectable or too good to justly merit an eternity of torture, and hence must be of the kind who will receive an eternity of bliss. Thus this hell-fire doctrine, instead of promoting holiness, purity of heart, promotes the reverse,—carelessness as respects anything except out and out murder and general devilishness. On the contrary, the Scriptural doctrine makes no threat of eternal torment, and promises a full opportunity for every human cresture to come to a knowledge of the truth, either in [2733]
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