Terms of Use


The Terms of Use regulates the way in which you can use the JWunited platform.
The list of actions mentioned in this section it's not exhaustive, new actions can be added or removed anytime. For this reason we recommend to visit periodically this page to keep up to date with changes.
To use the JWunited platform you must agree with all the usage conditions. If you do not agree with them or with some of them, you must not use the platform.

What is allowed?

It is allowed the use of all digital resources present on the JWunited platform for personal use and in non-commercial purposes. Distribution of links from JWunited platform is allowed.

What is not allowed?

You are not allowed to share the resources present on the JWunited platform without clearly and visible specifying their source.
It is not allowed to copy tables, lists, images, text, translations or any other elements from the JWunited platform to use them in your project without specifying clear and visible the source.
It is not allowed the use of the JWunited platform in any way that would lead to the harm or compromising to the awailability of the platform.
It is not allowed the use of the JWunited platfrom through any illegal way, fraudulent or harmful or in any purpose or related with a purpose or illegal activity, fraudulent or harmful.
It is not allowed the use of the resources of the JWunited platform for marketing purposes.
It is not allowed the use of the resources of the JWunited platform for commercial purposes.

Third Parties

On this platform multiple software is being used with the principal aim to provide best services. Among these we mention Matomo which we use for data collection of type analytics, MediaWiki and others. To check the Privacy Policy of these suppliers, we recommend visiting their websites at the sections related with data privacy.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

All resources of the JWunited platform are at your disposal.
Important: There is no guarantee that the JWunited platform is without viruses or without any other computer components with potential harmful character. The JWunited platform does not bare responsibility of any kind of defect or harm (including pecuniary losses) as a result of using the JWunited platform or it's resources.

Violation of the conditions of use

Without prejudice to the rights mentioned in the Terms of use, the JWunited platform reserves it's right to act in court in the case of violation of terms of usage. Amoung the actions that can be taken we mention the followings: suspension or blocking access to the the JWunited platform and it's resources, suspention or blocking access to the platform and it's resources based on the IP address, contact of your provider to block access to the JWunited platform and it's resources, initiating legal action against you.

Modifications of Terms of Use

The JWunited platform can modify any time the Terms of Use, can add new terms of use or can remove some of existing ones. The new terms or the modified ones are active from the date of publishing on this page or another date mentioned. To be up to date with the latest version of this section we do recommend to visit periodically this section.

Laws and jurisdiction

The Terms of Use are formulated and interpreted in harmony with the laws in force on the Romanian territory. Any judicial action against the JWunited platform will be brought before a Romanian court.


In the case in which one of these conditions is invalidated by a judicial court, all others remain active. Not taking actions against failure to comply to any of the terms of use can not be interpreted as renouncing to that term or condition or to the right to claim compliance with it from the JWunited platform side.


These Terms of Use constitutes a full agreement between you and the JWunited platform related with the way you use this platform and replaces all previous agreements about the way in which you use the platform.
By using the JWunited platform you understand and you agree that the interpretation of Terms of use is given by the JWunited platform and it will apply with priority and override any other interpretation.
In the case in which there could be two or more interpretations of Terms of Use, the interpretation chosen by the JWunited platform will apply, or the one that favorites the JWunited platform.

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