Vou. XXVIT ALLEGHENY, PA., DECEMBER 1, 1906 No. 23 VIEWS FROM THE WATCH TOWER SOCIALISM MENACING GREAT BRITAIN The Liberal Party in the present House of Commons stands committed to a considerable degree to the laboring class— indeed quite a few of its members were chosen on the Labor ticket. British statesmen have been wondering to what extent this new element in their politics will affect future legislation, wondering how conservative or otherwise the new members from the lower strata of society would prove to be. Heretofore the members have generally been chosen either from the aristocratic or wealthy class, or from the middle class of merchants, lawyers, etc., who have a great respect for traditions, It is causing quite an awakening amongst the British to find that the new members representing the working classes are by no means disposed to be conservative, but rather are laying their plans for the ultimate capture of the majority in Parliament—planning also something of a socialistic turn to legislation. Thus, in their due time, matters are shaping around for the termination of Gentile rule in anarchy by the appointed time—by October, 1914, when their lease or permit will expire. We quote the following from the pen of an English writer who evidently is well posted on his subject. He says:— ‘«The enormous majority secured by the Liberal party in the last British parliamentary elections had its embarrassments as well as its pleasant features.... A section of the Labor party in parliament, composing about one-half the labor vote, is socialistic in its program and principles, and has been striving vigorously to whip into line with itself the other half by seeking to get control of the trades unions to which the conservative half owes and confesses allegiance. This movement has become so successful that the leaders of the Liberal party, especially the Scotch, became alarmed at the growth of Socialism in the labor end of the party, and have recently taken steps to warn the Government that any further encouragement of the socialistic element would result in serious trouble. Alexander Murray, the Liberal Scottish whip in the House of Commons, in a recent speech made a fierce attack upon Socialism and its representatives in Parliament. The Scottish Parliamentary Association, under Mr. Murray’s influence, passed a resolution that ‘it is the primary duty of the Liberal party to present strenuous opposition to all candidates who are not prepared to dissociate themselves with the Socialist party, the avowed object of which is the complete destruction of those principles of individual liberty for which Liberalism has always contended.’ ‘In the meantime, the Labor representation committee, whose chairman is Keir Hardie, and which is the controlling body of the Socialistie element in politics, is working with might and main among the unions to bring them over body and soul to Socialism, with which they are all more or less deeply leavened, and seems to be in the way of fully sueceeding. This presages a cleavage between the whole Labor vote and the Government.’’ STRONG WORDS IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS “Tt is strange that the strong, impressive words spoken by Lord Avebury in the House of Lords last week should have failed, as they have, to excite international discussion. Lord Avebury said: ‘¢¢The unrest of Europe, the spread of Socialism and the ominous rise of anarchism are warnings to the governments and the ruling classes that the condition of the working classes in Europe is becoming intolerable, and that if a revolution is to be avoided some steps must be taken to increase wages, reduce the hours of labor and lower the prices of the necessaries of life. Europe is a great military camp. We have no peace, only an armistice, with unlimited expenditures. The result is that instead of accumulating capital for our children we are piling up for them debt and overwhelming responsibilities. ’ ‘‘These words were spoken, not by a labor agitator or a Socialist, but by an aristocrat and a member of the most conservative body in all Europe. That gives them all the more significance. They contain more valuable political economy than is to be found in most of the books. They sound a note of warning. Take heed, gentlemen of the war and navy departments! ’’—Wall Street Journal. * * The matter that confuses many is that really the working people of the civilized world are better off in many respects today than they ever were before: the unrest is the result of knowledge, the increase of the spirit of liberty. When the people supposed that God had created the royal families to (371-372) rule and had specially blessed them financially, they looked to them as they properly looked to the Almighty, as their benefactors, and were thankful for whatever they received, thankful to be permitted to live at all, thankful to have enough of food and raiment and shelter to make them reasonably comfortable. But with the opening of the eyes of their understanding, with the information from the pages of history that their kings and nobles in times past had seized the property and power which they now possessed—seized it by force and without divine authorization—this knowledge has rendered the masses dissatisfied. They now reasén that those who have seized the earth and its honors, authorities and powers in the past and who hold them by force may be reasonably required to surrender to the public enough of their surplus to make the entire people reasonably comfortable. Nor need we be surprised that frequently unreasonable demands are made by those whose minds have not been developed along the lines of finance, politics and religion, but who are coming to these subjects with crude, half-formed impressions, surmises, expectations. Is not this exactly what the Scriptures tell us respecting our day, the ‘‘time of the end’’—in which we have already been for one hundred and seven years? Do they not tell us that in this period would come the running to and fro of travel, which we now see about us everywhere, by which the various nations and peoples and classes are intermingled and waked up to the true situation of matters? Do we not see about us as another evidence of this time the fulfilment of the prediction, ‘‘Knowledge shall be increased’’? And is it not as a result of the increase of knowledge from this intermingling that the further prediction is to be fulfilled, ‘‘There shall be a time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation’’?—Danie] 12:1. HEATHEN NEW ENGLAND Rev. Dr. Hoar, of the Newton Theological Seminary, has been making a study of conditions in New England, and finally raises his voice in protest that instead of civilization elevating the people a marked degeneracy is in progress, This may be disappointing to those who have the wrong expectation for the future—to those who are hoping that the Millennium will be introduced by the conversion, sanctification, of the whole world of mankind to the extent that God’s will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. But for those who take the Scriptural view, Reverend Hoar’s findings are a further corroboration of the truth of the Bible. Our Lord’s words are confirmed, for he said, ‘‘When the Son of man cometh shall he find the faith on earth?’’—implying that the true faith would be very scarce at that time. It confirms the Apostle Paul’s statement that ‘‘evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived’’; and again, that “*In the last days [in the close of the present age, before the dawning of the new dispensation] perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.’’— 2 Tim. 3:1-5. Reverend Hoar says:—‘‘There has come to some communities a disintegration and degeneration of public morals which has brought them down in moral tone below the mining camps of the west. Degenerates in mining camps are willing to acknowledge that they are bad, but not so with degenerates in New England. They commit the sins of the mining camps while they lay claim to respectability, and refuse to admit their guilt. There must be a mixture of wickedness in order to free them from a charge of being Puritanical. In 90 per cent. of the New England towns the large majority of the people have no intelligent faith about anything, and do not wish to have any. Serious religion, which interferes with personal aims and pleasures, is shunned and its advocates ridiculed. The condition seems utterly hopeless.’’ RESTATEMENT OF METHODIST FAITH Considerable agitation has been caused amongst our Methodist friends looking toward a revised statement of their creed; but, says the Michigan Christian Advocate, commenting on the question, ‘‘Present indications are that no revision of the Methodist creed will be undertaken in this generation.’’ The Methodist Times (London) admits that honesty seems to call for a revision, but claims that expediency frowns upon it. It says:— ‘«Theoretically a great deal might be said in favor of the [3898]
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