June 15, 1909 them it has an odor of death, of self-sacrifice, which is contrary to all of their hopes, aims and desires. Some of the opponents of the truth today are hardening their own hearts by their attitude, just as did Pharaoh thirty-five hundred years ago, and just as did the chief priests, scribes and Pharisees eighteen centuries ago. We are sorry for them, but what can we do? HE DEPARTED FROM THEM When tlie opposition in the synagogue became unkind and bitter, malevolent, the Apostle departed, not from the city, which had not persecuted him, but from the synagogue, which was opposing his teaching. Here we have our suggestion also as to our own course. First we should be faithful to God; secondly, when our message is rejected, we should not stay to bore people with it, but go to those who have an “ear to hear.” We should “preach the Gospel to the meek.” Tyrannus had a school near the synagogue which, under the Lord’s providence, by rental or in some other manner, became available as a preaching place for the proclamation of the Word, and St. Paul used the opportunity faithfully for about two years. The result was that from Ephesus “the gateway of Asia Minor,” or, as it is sometimes called, “The eye of Asia,” the Word of the Lord was carried to various cities by the traveling public, including Jews and proselytes. We remember that some two years before this St. Paul had endeavored to go into Asia Minor; but, ‘the Spirit suffered him not,” is the explanation of his not going. The time for the message to reach Asia Minor had not yet arrived. How evidently God knows the conditions; not only the conditions most favorable for the character development of his faithful Apostle, but also the times and seasons most suitable or his own work in every place, including the arrangements of matters so as to draw out the various epistles which for coraries have proven so great value to the Household of aith! MIRACLES BY THE HANDS OF ST, PAUL When we think of the gifts of the Spirit conferred upon this great Apostle, the gifts of tongues, healing, etc., we appreciate these evidences that he was a servant of God, yet these do not arouse our highest esteem. Accepting them as of the Lord we nevertheless appreciate still more highly as from the same source his gift of interpretation of the divine plan of the ages, his elucidation of the philosophy of the same, his exposition of the types and the prophecies, his admonitions and exhortations along the lines of characterbuilding. By these miracles through the pen of the Apostle, God has given us rich blessing—far more than natural sight and physical healing. Our faith has been made stronger, as well as our hope and our love for God and for the brethren. There were evil spirits then, as there are today, the dif THE WATCH TOWER (190-195) ference being that today such obsessed ones are styled insane and treated accordingly, whereas probably one-half of the inmates of the insane asylums are really obsessed of the evil spirits, whose brains are not physically disordered. As St. Paul, amongst other miracles, cast out evil spirits in the name of the Lord, some of his opponents claimed that he did so merely by hypnotic influence, and that others could do the same if they would. Carrying out the thought they attempted to exorcise an evil spirit, with disastrous results. They commanded the spirit to come out of the man in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preached. But “the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped upon them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.” As these opponents were prominent men the matter became generally known both to Jews and Greeks at Ephesus and the result was @ spirit of reverence, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. BOOKS OF MAGIC, WITCH-CRAFT AND HYPNOTISM We read that “many that believed came and confessed and showed their deeds.” They exposed the fact that many of their deeds were by occult or hidden power and injurious, They brought their books and burned them openly. They did not sell them to others and thus permit the evil influence to spread, but did their share towards its destruction. So should it be still, Those who turn to the Lord from darkness and sin should publicly confess the transformation of their hearts and lives and should destroy everything calculated to exercise an evil influence, either upon themselves or upon others, It is the thorough-going convert—converted from center to circumference—who has taken a radical stand for righteousness, as he previously took it for sin, that the Lord permits to honor him; and sometimes at the sacrifice of earthly interests. The testimony is, “So (thus) mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.” The Apostle’s diversified experiences as a servant of the Lord are remarkable. At the beginning of his ministry he was beset and persecuted in nearly every city while subsequently, as we have seen, he was comparatively without persecution for nearly four years. Who hath known the mind of the Lord? Faith assures us that all of the steps of the Apostle were Divinely, wisely ordered. Perhaps he necded the rougher experiences at the beginning of his ministry to polish him, to prepare him for his further service, the writing of his epistles, etc. Doubtless we shall understand his experiences better, and our own experiences better, when, by and by, beyond the veil, we shall see as we are seen and know as we are known. Until then the Lord requires that we exercise faith and confidence in him, nothing doubting. Vou. XXX BROOKLYN, N. Y., JULY 1, 1909 No. 13 THE GOOD TIDINGS SPREADING IN AFRICA BROTHER BOOTH REPORTS FAVORABLY Respecting the work in and around Pretoria it is very encouraging in many respects. While as yet not many of the English people are taking hold of the Harvest truths, the reception of them by the native Christians is very gratifying. On my first Sunday here I entered one of the large native compounds and began singing in several of the native languages successively. The dwellers responded as by an electric shock and gave close and joyful attention as they grasped some of the simpler features of the message. At this writing several of the natives who work at the mines and other places are so situated and so interested that they are going out from Saturday p. m. to Monday a. m. delivering tracts and teaching in the various compounds for thirty miles around Johannesburg and Pretoria of the harvest-time and restitution truths to the 250,000 natives and Indians and some 20,000 Chinese cooped in from noon Saturday till over Sunday. They are overjoyed at having the same message brought here which they have heard was being proclaimed up in their home country, Nyassaland, by Brother Elliott Kamwana. One who has been here only three months tells that he saw Elliott baptize 300 in one day; another gives advice that in one place there are 700 adherents. And I am further informed that there are towards 3,000 in that country in about thirty separate places who have accepted the divine plan as preferable to Preshyterianism and the church of England. Brother Elliott himself reports that there are about 9,000 who are interested somewhat, though not all of them to the extent named above. The method chiefly employed is singularly applicable to the conditions of the native towns. Every village has a Bwalo for the hearing of matters of public interest. The itinerant brother reading English translates the paragraphs in simple style into the vernacular of the people. Questions are entertained, etc. The native brethren are sending in subscriptions for “THE WatcH Tower” for points in Nyassaland to the number of 76. King Lenanika and the Prince Letitia, his son, and their Prime Minister, from 600 miles north of the Pretoria Falls, have sent highly educated Christian representatives for the whole six volumes, They wish this message to be fully studied and proclaimed through their country, and throughout that of their friends, the great Basulu chiefs of Basululand. Nor are the Europeans being neglected in this vicinity. Brother Brink and self are giving a series of lectures, gradually covering the message, in English and Dutch. Two sisters at Krugersdorp, twelve miles out of Johannesburg, are working up an interest and circulating “Dawn-Studies.” These, like Brother Sargent, of Johannesburg, came out boldly in a street meeting in Cape Town. BROTHER BRINK WRITES ALSO My Dear Brorurr RUSSELL :— May God bless you and keep you and spare you. I am overwhelmed by the most glorious Gospel, the love and majesty of God, the Father, that is being revealed from God’s grand Book in these latter days of this Gospel Age through your instrumentality. “Glory be to God in the Highest, on earth, peace, good will to men.” This was the theme of one of my trial sermons before I came out as minister of the Divine Word in 1897. But only now, since I read your “Studies in the Scriptures,” the six volumes (Millennial Dawn edition), and since yesterday “The [4421]
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