Vou. XXXIL Doral of (hi ss Presence BROOKLYN, N. Y., JANUARY 1, 1911 THE NEW YEAR’S OUTLOOK Our Society’s very encouraging report for the old year in the December 15 issue naturally directs our mind to the New Year and inquires the prospects—the outiook. Our view respecting the financial and social outlook may appear to be prejudiced. We believe from the Scriptures that we are in that particular time which immediately precedes the great period of world-wide anarchy foretold by the Prophet Daniel as marking the end of Gentile Times and the inauguration of Messiah’s kingdom. But while we expect such troubles and believe them near, it would be unwise for us to attempt to predict strife, lock-outs, panics, ete-—though all of these will be prominent factors in the precipitation of the anarehy whieh all so justly dread. While the world is outwardly at peace, there is a great unrest in the hearts of humanity. The general increase of knowledge has brought general increase of dissatisfaction and ambition which cannot be satisfied, except in a very few instances. This discontent has already made itself felt in Russia and in Japan and is likely to precipitate trouble in India and China, the most populous parts of the world. Only the Lord knows to what extent and how long the winds of strife will be held, as pictorially set forth in Revelation. Governments are beginning to learn that great battleships and military fortresses are sourees of danger, as well as of protection. For instance, quite recently the government of Brazil purchased two war vessels of most modern type. Secarcely were they put into commission and manned by the Brazilian sailors when their crews rebelled, After considerable damage and loss, the government evidently feels that they are more of a menace than are foreign warships in their harbor. It has been suggested that the guns from the vessels be taken ashore and stored against time of need and to keep them out of the hands of rebels. Similarly Portugal is having trouble. The revolution unseated the king and established a republic, only to find that the soldiers and sailors now feel that they are masters of the situation and may demand such wages and treatment as they think proper. When the time is ripe the trained soldiers of Eurone will prohably have at their control the great arsenals and immense stores of war material for the overthrow of the governments which provided them. These are not pleasant prospects to hold up at the heginning of the vear; but why should we deceive ourselves? Here in the United States we have herd a somewhat similar exhibit. <A street ear strike in the capital city of Ohio has heen maintained for months, accompanicd hy violence. The State government has sought to maintain order, but has been able to do so only to a limited degree, Regiments of State militia, brought to the scene of trouble, sympathized with the strikers and declined to maintain order and were returned to their homes. While there is a great deal of prosperity as compared with former times, the manufacturing plants of the world, equipped with modern machinery, have so large a capacity that business seems depressed, because only one-third of the possibilities are being accomplished. .A semi-evident lack of confidence prevails, based upon the fact that the intelligent people know that there is not one-half the money necessary for business prosperity, heeause of the demonetization of silver. While this situation was brought about by the bankers and inures to their advantage in keeping up the rate of interest, nevertheless even for them it has its drawbacks, producing a feverish financial condition—a panicky condition in dread of a public loss of confidence and demand for deposits. Altogether there is an unquiet financial undertone or feverishness unfavorable [4735 } to the smaller business interests; large and profitable enterprises are being well sustained financially, but these are retarded by the smaller industries and enterprises which they supply and, to some extent, depend upon for business. In a word, financial matters are top-heavy and nobody knows when something may occur to jostle and overturn them. MORGAN’S CHURCH FEDERATION The newspapers have recently informed the world that at a recent Episcopal Church Council the world-famed multimillionaire banker, J. Pierrepont Morgan, who was a delegate, contributed ten thousand dollars as a start for an expense fund, having for its object the organization of a religious trust. Mr. Morgan’s well-known business capacity, exhibited in connection with financial trusts, encourages many to believe that he will accomplish the desired end in connection with the movement. More and more all denominations are craving a religious trust or federation and are becoming more and more willing to sacrifice doctrines and principles formerly held dear, in order to accomplish the federation. This is a confession of denominational weakness and an intimation that the strength and power to be gained by federation is considered valuable. Prime movers in this undertaking dilate upon the great economy of the federated churches in respect to ministers and management. No doubt there is some truth in this, but the real reason lies deeper. It is believed that federation would soon acquire a political power, and hence a financial backing, before which undesirable truths would be forced to seek shelter or be publicly pilloried and secretly ostracized. Evidently this federation is near at hand; the Scriptures have long foretold the Federation, as we have been pointing out therefrom for thirty years. It is to us one of the special signs of our day, one of the special indications marking the end of the Gospel age and the inauguration of Messiah’s kingdom. THE MESSAGE TO THE JEWS The Scriptures are explicit in declaring that with the close of the Gospel call of this age and the completion of the bride class divine favor will turn again to natural Israel. We have from time to time noted favorable climatic conditions in Palestine and later on how the Zionist movement has stirred the Jews everywhere to an interest in their home land and a desire to re-possess it. But these hopes and ambitions have seemed impossible of attainment and the fervor of Zionism has recently been on the wane. Just at this juncture divine providence seemed to bless our message to the Jews. Most remarkably the message has been scattered all over the world, partly by Jewish journals interested in the message and partly by others opposing it—nevertheless The Voice (Die Stimme) has gone forth to the ends of the earth. As a result Jewish hopes are turning more and more toward the prophecies of the Holy Scriptures. The result bids fair to he such a work of grace as the Scriptures describe when telling that the Lord will pour upon Israel at this time the spirit of prayer and supplication. The message to them now is that the land is theirs—that their period of chastisement is at an end and that shortly divine blessing will come to them—not as Christians, but as Jews. Subsequently they will reeognize the Spiritual Messiah referred to in Daniel 12:1. Their journey thenceforth will be an easy one, for the kingdom will prevail, and Israel will be blessed and become the channel for divine blessing to all the families of the earth—the chief blessing coming to them from the glorified Christ on the spirit plane and operating through his spiritual, invisible government. (3-4)
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