THE NovEMBER 1, 1914 base and false as Satan himself.’’ He made no reply, and grew silent. I said, ‘‘Brother, you say you are a Baptist minister and a professed mouthpiece of God, who tells us in his Word to ‘speak evil of no man’ (whether good or bad). Now, do you think you are showing the spirit of Christ, or of Satan, in your false and slanderous remarks just uttered? We know that there are but the two Masters.’’ He made no reply and grew very red in the face; and a gentleman sitting two seats ahead of him, who had been facing him and listening to all that had been said, and who knew him, said, ‘‘John, would you like to have some hot water?’’ to which the reverend (?) gentleman replied, ‘‘No, I’m in hot water enough now;’’ and the listeners simply roared with laughter, which made him madder and his face crimson. I then left him, saying, ‘‘Brother, I fear you will be in still hotter water before the Lord gets through teaching you some needed lessons.’’ As soon as I got back to my seat, a young man came to me, offering me money, ‘‘for some more tracts like the one you gave me, if you have any more.’’ I told him I did not want any money, that freely I had received, and freely I gave, and he was welcome to all he wanted. He took four or five and went back to his seat. Another young man came with his Bible, asking me to explain some things he did not understand in Revelation. A sister sitting in front of me had a Bible with the I. B. S. A. Comments, which she handed me, and I turned to them and read to him. He looked at the Bible and said he must have one like it, and gave me his name and address, and promised to read some literature I would send him. Then another young man came with his Bible, and asked to sit down by me and asked me to explain some Scripture texts he did not fully understand. He also gave me his name and address; and I promised to send him some literature. Both are traveling men and live in Atlanta. When I got home I mailed them each a copy of THE DiviNE PLAN oF THE AGES, Missionary Report, several different tracts, ete. Yesterday I heard from one of them, saying he was reading the PLAN oF THE AGES, and was deeply interested, and thought he would subscribe for THE WatcH Tower if he was as much pleased WATCH TOWER (323-339) when he finished reading as he now is. I see from his letterhead that he is a very promising member of the Baptist Church and a leader in its Bible Class. His name is . All this was the result of one man’s prejudice and opposition to the truth; and shows how God can make the wrath of man to praise him. I certainly felt honored, and thanked him for the opportunity of witnessing for him, though in an unpleasant and unexpected way. That preacher looked at me as though he could chew me to pieces, and I suppose he thought he would in a few words silence and put me to flight; but with the dear Lord’s help I stood my ground and came off victor. Pray for me, dear brethren, that I may be used more and more to honor and glorify his precious name, and show forth his praises unto others; for I do delight to do his will, and I do so want to gain that most glorious of all prices—immortality, beyond the veil, and be forever with my God and Saviour. I am realizing more and more the shortness of the time in which to prepare for the kingdom. When I think of the change that is just ahead of us, I think of some fairy dream; and yet I know that the Gentile times are ended and the new dispensation is being ushered in. I am glad that I shall not be here and have an inheritance in the flesh, but I shall be glad to see the work of restitution begun, to see the earth blossom as the rose and to see man made perfect, a fit ruler for the restored Paradise. I want to see the dead come back and to hear the shouts and songs of joy. And to be where we can see all this and to help to bring it about and to know that our efforts are wise, that our Lord directs and will succeed in the great undertaking, is a prospect most transporting. Yours humbly in Christ’s dear Name. Mrs. Dr. E. Y. WALKER. [‘‘ This honor have all his saints’’—to bind their kings with chains and their princes with fetters. (Psalm 149:8, 9.) We are inclined to believe that this sister effectually bound a princeling of ecclesiasticism. No doubt the Lord will grant special opportunities and aid to others worthy of the honor —saints indeed.] ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS We suggest that the above name be used by all classes locally in newspaper advertising and otherwise instead of the title, International Bible Students Association, which name properly belongs only to national and international use. When advertisements appear on the religious page of newspapers classified denominationally, this title, Associated Bible Students, can be used instead of a sectarian name. Vou. XXXV BROOKLYN, N. Y., NOVEMBER 15, 1914 No. 22 “THERE SHALL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSING” ‘¢They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom].’’—Isaiah 11:9. Y J y g Accustomed as all mankind have been to misrule and misgovernment, it was necessary that assurance should be given to Israel that the kingdom of Messiah which God would one day set up in the earth would not only have good motives and intentions, but would also possess superior power of knowledge and judgment. And this is what the Prophet Isaiah pointed out. The new King will not need to rely upon the common channels of information in the giving of his blessings and in the administering of his reproofs and chastisements, but will have a superhuman endowment of power by which he will know the very thoughts and intents of the heart. He will not need to judge after the hearing of the ear or by the sight of the eye, as must all earthly rulers, however well intentioned.— Isaiah 11:3, 4. It was proper also that Israel and all others should know that the kingdom of God to be established would be absolutely just and impartial; for their experiences have demonstrated that even the wisest and best of their rulers, lawmakers, judges, ete., have been largely governed by selfishness. The world’s great ones have amassed wealth at the expense of their subjects, and have made their special friends wealthy and have granted them special privileges, often-times at the expense of the poor, the helpless, the despised. Hence the Lord through the Prophet assures us that earth’s new King will administer equity toward all; that the meek, the backward, the modest and unassuming, those who are indisposed to press their claims and to assert their rights, will have his particular assistance; and that the poor, who have few to sympathize with them or to encourage or help them, will find in the new King a Friend. MILLENNIUM NOT THROUGH EVOLUTION Those who expect the Millennial kingdom to come as a result of present efforts, under the order of society now prevailing, and who believe that the world is gradually approaching the Millennium by an evolutionary process, should carefully consider this Word of the Lord through the Prophet, as shown in our text and context. The Prophet declares that when Messiah shall take the reins of government, his first step will be to judge the poor, and to reprove the rich in equity, in the interests of the meek of the earth. How could this be possible, if equity had already prevailed by a gradual process, so that there were no poor and no rich, and so that all had become meek? Other Scriptures in harmony with this testimony of the Prophet Isaiah, show that the very work which our Lord is to do at the beginning of his reign will be to correct the wrongs then prevailing. Our Lord himself implies that the earth will be far from being a blessed condition at his second advent, when he asks the question, ‘‘When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find The Faith on the carth?’’ (Luke 18:8) The Revelator also gives no uncertain testimony on this subject. He says: ‘‘And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever... . And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them that corrupt the earth.’’—Revelation 11:15-18 BIBLE HARMONIOUS AND CONSISTENT Many Seriptures are of like import. The position of the Bible is throughout harmonious and consistent. It deseribes the present time, while sin is prevailing, as ‘‘the present evil world,’’ in which ‘‘the prinee of this world’’ rules, and in which the Lord’s true people, the body of Christ, the heirs of the kingdom, ‘‘suffer violenee,’’ and declares that this violence is working out for those who are rightly exercised by it a character which will be approved by the Lord. The Scrip [5573]
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