(255-242) THE numbering about forty) were marched away from the camp where they had been detained pending court-martial, to prison. There were only four or five of our brethren among these, the remainder being moral objectors, and our brethren describe them as a splendid lot of fellows. Educated and professional men along with honest, hard toilers, were thus thrown together, and on one point wholly sympathetic and determined. As they passed through the Camp they unitedly sang, “Stand up, stand up for Jesus!” It was almost dramatic, “And e’en the ranks of Tuscany Could scarce forbear to cheer.” In fact some of the regular soldiers did cheer them and numbers, we are told, confessed admiration. Many Srunres have been gotten out, too, among warders, jailers, constables, officers and men, as a result of contact with these few ‘‘voices in the wilderness.” To see the courage and fealty exhibited by these young brethren causes us a deal of heart-searching and magnifies intensely our own failures and constant slips. While they have opportunities for service thrust on them, we seem to have a barren existence and a diminished activity. We are praying that the Lord may show his hand and thus lead us more fully than ever into the light. We are ever with you in spirit. Yours in the dear Lord, F, Guarp, Sr.—London. “Vv. D. M.’’ QUESTIONS FOUND PROFITABLE My Dear BRoTHER AND PASTOR:— Please find enclosed the “V. D. M.” Questions and my. answers to the same. This ig the most searching test that I have ever undergone; and I am truly thankful to you and our heavenly Father for the “Refiner’s Fire and the Fuller’s Soap.” (Malachi 3:2) I doubt not that the heavenly Father directed your mind in the compilation of these questions; and the great desire of my heart is, that I have been able to interpret correctly the thought of the questions. These questions, dear Brother, have surely come at an opportune time; for many of the friends and even some of the pilgrims are becoming greatly confused upon some of the points. Notwithstanding all that you have written elucidating these subjects, many are unable to properly divide and WATCH TOWER Brooxiyn, N. Y. express your teaching on justification and its two features— consecration, sanctification (our part and God’s part). Also many are becoming confused upon the subject of the Mediator of the New Covenant, teaching that the church will not share this office with her Lord. The little “truth” newspapers, booklets, periodicals, etc., are in great measure responsible for the confusion now in the minds of the friends. The matters and things therein set forth are uncensored, and unhappily contain many errors. I pray daily that I may never come under this influence, but that I may remain true in my “first love,” from the light of whose pages alone I am refined, and purified, and made white. My practice is to prove all your statements by the ‘Word,’ as far as I am able to reason; and all the rest I trust to your better judgment, confident that it is wiser to rely upon that wisdom than my own or that of any other, We are glad to acknowledge you (Luke 12:42), to honor ou as our Pastor, and to follow you in your exposition of the truth, believing that he who appointed you makes no mistakes. In grateful Christian love, Your brother in the truth, W. A. Jargerr.—Kans. FOOD SUPPLY OUT SHORT Dear BRorHER RUSSELL:— Since calling your attention to crop conditions in this country, there has been a further shrinkage due to rust in the Northwest—and it is now estimated that we will harvest but wheat enough for home needs—no exportable surplus. Present estimate of wheat, Winter and spring combined, is 725 million bushels, against 1,011 million bushels harvested last year; corn outlook, 2.700 million, as against 3,050 million last year; oats outlook, 1,200 million, as against 1,500 million last year. Rye and Barley shortage, brings grand total shortage of over a billion bushels. Yours in Christ, INFANTILE PARALYSIS REMEDY Mix Peruvian Bark (pulverized) with lard so as to make a stiff paste. Use this whilst massaging spinal column thoroughly. It is useful also for Asthma and for Spinal Meningitis. E. W. V. K. DOCTOR JONES’ CONVENTION TRAIN SCHEDULE Doctor Jones informs us that he is proceeding with his Lv. Los Angeles. Santa Fe 11:59 p.m. Mon, Sept. 11 “ 78 convention train for the Pacific Coast Convention. He has fr. gan Bernardino io aide a, m. Tues., gePt. 2 a 30 not informed us how many cars he will have, but has sent Ay" San Francisco. « 9:40 oom. Wed. Sep 13. O« i$ us the schedule, which we place before our readers below. Lv. San Francisco S. Pac. 8:20 p.m. Wed., Rent. 13 “16 Convention points are marked thus (*). All other places r. Portlan “ :20 a.m. Fri, Sept. 15 16 where the time is sufficient and the local class of Bible Stu- hy Portland Gt. North. 12:20 i? ae eat gent. 16 “ 360 fents so desire, meetings either public or semi-public will be Lv. Seattle “10:30 p.m. Sun, Sept. 17 “ 44 held, Ar. Spokane “ 12:20 p. m. Mon., Sept. 18 “ 44 SEPT. 4TH—SEPT, 26TH, 1916 «kv, Spokane «8:00 a, m. Tues, Bert ye ge CHICAGO—LOS ANGELES—SEATTLE—DULUTH —— MILWAUKER——CHICAGO Lv. Duluth “ 11:10 p.m. Thur. Sept. 21. “= 17 wv: Chicago Sante Fe 9:50 a.m. Tues., Sept. 5 Train 9 Ar. St. Paul “ 6:30 a.m. Fri, Sept. 22 ‘ 17 Ar. Los Angeles “ 7:10 a.m. Fri, Sept. 8 “ 9 Lv. St. Paul Cc. M. & St. P. 8:25 a.m. Fri, Sept. 22 ‘“ 18 Lv. Los Angeles “ 11:59 p.m. Fri, Sept. 8 “™ 78 *Ar. Milwaukee “ 6:40 p. m. Fri., Sept. 22 “ 18 Ar. Santa Ana “ 1:30 a.m. Sat., Sept. 9 ‘ 78 Lv. Milwaukee “ 7:25 p. m. Sun, Sept. 24 “ 6 Ly. Santa Ana “ 5:23 p,m. Sat., Sept. 9 “ 75 Ar. Chicago “ 9:30 p.m. Sun, Sept. 24 “ 6 *Ar, Los Angeles “ 6:30 p.m. Sat., Sept. 9 “ 75 Lv. Chicago Penn. R. R. 12:05 a. m. Mon., Sept. 25 “ 6 Vou. XXXVIT BROOKLYN, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 1, 1916 No. 17 KEEPING THE LORD’S COMMANDMENTS The law given to Israel at Mount Sinai and summarized in the Ten Commandments was not given to any other nation or people. It is upon the Jew siill, and is a bondage only because it was made a part of God’s contract with that nation. If they would keep that law perfectly they were to have certain special and exclusive blessings. If they failed to keep it, certain penalties were to result. But since that law was the measure of a perfect man’s ability, and since no Israelite, any more than others of the world of mankind, was perfect, therefore none of them could keep that divine law. None of them could get the blessings which it promised. All of them did get more or less of the curse, or punishment, which failure to keep the law threatened. Thus Jesus said, “None of you keepeth the law” (John 7:19); and St. Paul wrote, “By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight.”—-Romans 3:20. Nevertheless, the endeavor to keep that law proved a great blessing to the people of Israel, and some of those ancient worthies who strove so faithfully and loyally, the Apostle assures us, will yet get a rich reward therefor. (Hebrews 11:38-40) Messiah, after setting up his spiritual kingdom, will constitute these ancient worthies, princes and rulers in all the earth—under and subject to himself and his elect church on the spirit plane. Jesus, although a member of our race according to the flesh, has an unimpaired life, transferred from the spirit plane to his virgin mother’s womb. Thus he did not inherit either sin or its condemnation, but was born “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” (Hebrews 7:26) Because of this perfection Jesus was able to do what no other member of the human family ever did or could do. He was able to keep the law fully and completely in its every detail. And he did more than keep the law. He sacrificed earthly rights and privileges which the law declared he had a right to. Thus Jesus has a merit—a right to earthly life aside from the life which he now has on the spirit plane, and which was a reward from the Father for his obedience unto death, “even the death of the cross.”—Philippians 2:8. It is that earthly life which forms the basis for the New Covenant arrangement that God has promised to establish through the glorified Messiah. In due time he will appropriate the merit of his sacrifice—his right to human life—as the full satisfaction for Father Adam’s disobedience and his death penalty. Thus purchasing the race, by giving a corres [5946]
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