(287-291) enjoy. I receive such a blessing daily with the Morning Manna, the Vow and THE Morninc REsoLve! Also, “ARE YE ABLE TO DRINK oF My Cup?’ Oh, the blessed truth! It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do. And, dear Pastor, Tue Wartcn Tower is such a wonderful channel of blessing, too! We praise God on your behalf as we see how he has kept you all these years; it gives us courage. The feast is now spread surely in the midst of our enemies! The Lord grant we may be enlarged daily and thus have the spiritual capacity for the SeventH VOLUME of which you also spoke. Our dear Pastor, I would just make one request of you, if I may. Jt is that you would pray for me; that, having run well thus far, ] might continue faithful even unto death. Three months ago J had two operations in one. After seven weeks I came home to take up my family obligations once again—except sweeping, washing and ironing. It taxed my strength so much that I thought it only right as a new creature in Christ to speak to my husband. I told him how I felt. He could not understand, neither could his mother, how it was that I did not feel able to do the work. Well, this proved quite a trial to me. But as no deliverance came from these duties, I considered it my duty, and evidently God’s will also, that I go on and serve just as long as God gave me strength. I feel that my strength is going, though I have not told my husband, as he speaks to me only when he must, since the experience mentioned. The pressure I feel has been hard upon me for the last five or six months, but I have been able to rejoice. Though the cup has overflowed with sorrow and suffering, nevertheless I have been able to realize the Lord’s presence very near and the truth of Jesus’ words, “The Father himself loveth you.” But even so as our Lord, I would continue to pray with strong crying and tears, realizing so much my utter helplessness and need of God’s help through Christ Jesus, I ask you to pray for me, that I may in due time have the full assurance, as those who have gone before, that I am acceptable in the Beloved One, and have made my calling and election sure. I feel that I have need of patience also, that having done the will of God I might receive the promise. Now again I would thank God for the blessed tie that unites us all in him. My prayer is that we may be enlarged and abound yet more and more in the love of God, This love has increased in me as daily I have prayer with you all that thus we might be able to show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. THE WATCH TOWER Brooxiyn, N. Y. May the Lord bless thee and keep thee, and grant thee the “abundant entrance” through Christ Jesus our Lord! Your sister in Christ, LIKE SAUL, THOUGHT HE DID GOD SERVICE DeaR BROTHER :— Am happy to say that I am most surely a believer, and an earnest one in “The Divine Plan of the Ages,” and just as set forth by Brother Russell. More than that, I have been preaching it in no uncertain manner from the pulpit of the First Baptist Church of this place. And as might be expected I have also been ordered to stop such preaching or resign; consequently I have resigned. But then, of course, there are other places to preach, and preach it I will! Yes, I recall the circumstances to which you refer, at the time of the revival meeting in my church, at the time the PuHoTO-DRAMA was shown here, and J recall the matter only with shame and humiliation for the part I played in it. While I made no speech at the band-stand that afternoon, I did help to arrange the meeting with the object of keeping people from seeing the Drama. The evangelist and the Methodist pastor of this place did the speaking, but I approved of it at the time. That humiliating experience serves to show what an absurd and enormous blunder a man makes when he jumps at conclusions and forms an opinion without investigation, just because “everyone says so.” However, like Saul, I verily thought I did God a service, and being honest and sincere, though ignorant, like him, I obtained mercy, and have been shown a “more excellent way.” I am already beginning to feel the edge of the people’s opposition, and, as you say, from those who were formerly my strongest supporters. However, “’Tis always with the righteous well,” and I trust that I have the imputed righteousness of my Master, and that through his grace and help I shall be able to exemplify that righteousness in my life. I have a full set of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, am getting Tae WatcH Tower and also the Brie STUDENTS MontHiy. No, I have not a copy of Brother Rutherford’s “Defense of Brother Russell,’ nor do I need one for myself. as I need no further evidence than the Stupirs. But I might be able to use one to advantage with others that are not so eonvinced. Thanking you for the interest and sympathy manifested in your letter, and requesting that you will remember me at the throne of grace. I am your brother in the truth, Vou. XXXVIT BROOKLYN, N. Y., OCTOBER 1, 1916 No. 19 BAPTISM FOR REMISSION OF SINS FOR JEWS ONLY “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance; but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he will baptize you with the holy Spirit and fire.”’—Matthew 3:11. We should make quite a marked distinction between the Atonement Day arrangement for Israel with its cancelation, and any other arrangement for cancelation of sin. The sacrifices of the Day of Atonement typified the “better sacrifices” for the putting away of original sin. Original sin was Adam’s sin, which has descended to all of his children. The entire race is by nature under the dominion of that original sin and under its penalty. God purposes to do away with both the sin and its penalty, through the great High Priest, Jesus. Jesus has already died and has now nearly completed the offering of the “better sacrifices” than those offered by the typical high priest of Isracl. We see that the time is coming when there will not be a mere imputation of the merit of Christ, as there has been during the Gospel age for the church; for during the incoming age his merit will be applied absolutely for the sins of the whole world, and the sins of the world—the Adamie sin—will be canceled forever. The condemnation of original sin will be no more upon any one, anywhere; and all who will may be assisted up to all that was lost by Adam and redcemed by Christ Jesus. But there are other sins besides original sin. and the eulpability of these is proportionate to the amount of knowledge enjoyed. Those which are unintentional are in our Lord’s prayer called “trespasses.” But prayer to God would not set aside original sin—only the death of Jesus as a ransom could set this aside. There are certain ones who through faith in his redeeming blood and by consecration of heart and Hfe to the Lord have become children of God. Because of inherited imperfections these children of God commit trespasses. When they recognize these trespasses, they should come to the throne of heavenly grace “that they may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Others than those who have become children of God have no standing with him and have no right to make petitions. The only ones who have a hearing with God are those who have become disciples, or followers, of Christ and who have been accepted by him as his followers. For such he has become the surety and has inducted them into a blessed relationship with the Father—the relationship of sons, The Israelites were God’s people, in covenant relationship with him through typical arrangements. The time had not then come for Christ to die for sinners, so God gave them a system of types, pointing forward to the real Sacrifice for sins to be offered “in due time.” He arranged that those who came into this covenant relationship with him should be treated as though their sins had been actually forgiven and canceled. “Year by year continually,” as the Apostle Paul says, they were to repeat these Atonement Day sacrifices, and thus have, typically, a fresh cancelation of Adamic sin for ancther venr, for the sacrifice was good only for one year. Because of this arrangement their unwitting transgressions were typically set aside, and they continued to be God’s covenant people. During each year, however, they might through more or less weakness fall into errors of thought, of word and of conduct. These would be trespasses. THE OBJECT OF JOHN’S BAPTISM When John the Baptist began his ministry, he came preaching that the time was now at hand when Messiah would appear, and the invitation to come into the real kingdom of God be given. His exhortation was that all the people should get ready for this, otherwise they would not be prepared to receive Messiah. He said in substance, Examine your life. Are you living to the best of your ability according to the law? If not, if you are living according to a lower standard than the best of which you are capable, you are guilty. To whatever extent you are not living up to your highest possibilities, you [5962]
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