(332-338) THE it, the Lord will be pleased to bless us with a share. Some may have a share in the calling at the addresses already gathered. Others may have a share in giving the chart talks, and others may have a share in leading Berean lessons. Let us not forget, dear brethren, that we must have humility. The Lord has no use for the proud and self-sufficient, cither in the present age in the instructing and building up of the church, or in the future age in the instruction and uplifting of the world. The Scriptures assure us in no uncertain terms that the Lord abhors the proud and shows his favor to the humble. The Apostle says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due . ANGELOPHONE In our issue of June 15, 1916, we announced arrangements by which our readers may obtain the Angelophone at Jobbers’ prices, one-third of the usual retail prices — $8.33, $16.67, $33.33, instead of $25.00, $50.00, $100. Now we have a still more important announcement—Angelophone Records of 50 of our most beautiful hymns, They gave us the selection of them. We are confident that ail Wartcu Tower readers will appreciate them, and believe that they will have a very wide circulation everywhere. They are 7-inch records, “hill and dale cut,” of a size which usually selis for 35¢ up. But, indeed, such hymns and in such variety are not to be had anywhere for any money. The singer’s voice is excellent, clear, distinct—quite unlike hymn tunes you have usually heard, very few of which ean be understood. They are the work of Prof. Henry Burr, the well-known barytone. NOW THE ASTONISHING FEATURE! The entire set of 50 hymns can be ordered through us for $5—only ten cents per record. With a view to stimulating daily family worship (having this excellent singer’s voice to lead), the hymns with music have been published in neat, attractive form at 5¢e and 10e per copy, according to binding—postage 2¢ extra. At our request the Angelophone Company are mailing to the Secretaries of the principal classes a sample record and a sample each of the two hymn-books. If a quantity of the books and records are ordered together, carriage charges will be prepaid in the United States. These records are known as the original “hill and dale cut,” the same as the ones used by Edison and Pathe, It contains a great deal more music to the inch than the zigzag cut. The latter is used by the Victor WATCH TOWER Brooxtyrn, N. Y. time” (1 Peter 5:6); for “he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.”—Luke 14:11. Let us not forget the importance of knowledge. No one is capable of teaching others who has not a clear knowledge himself. Finally, let us remember that knowledge without the humility might puff up We shall be built up under the influence of self-sacrificing love. Let us all. dear friends, get more ready—nearer to the Lord and more ready for His service, The smiting of the Jordan assuredly is not far off; and do we wish to have a share in it? As Elijah did the smiting, so all those who belong to the Elijah class will have a share in it. HYMN RECORDS and was gotten out to avoid the patents covering the original, superior “hill and dale cut”; said patents have now expired. The Angelophone has a reversible sound-box, which permits it to play any kind of record made. But not so the Victor and Columbia machines; to use the Angelieco records on them, a little sleeve is necessary, which can be purchased at any 1l0e store, or can be ordered with the books and records. Address orders to ANGELICO, 28 West 63d Street, New York City, or to 184 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York. * * ¥* It affords us genuine pleasure to think that Bible students can now have in their homes phonograph musie which really represents their sentiments—much better than does the majority of the jiggy, rag-time stuff usually sold at from 60e to $1 per record. “A little nonsense now and then, Js relished by the best of men;” But nonsense all the time nauseates even the worldly. On the other hand, there is a sweet, quieting influence exerted by the beautiful hymns of our selection which go to the heart of old and young, saint and sinner. Surely, Bible students will wish to “Lift high the royal banner,” and to show forth the praises of their King! And such hymns as these in so clear and distinct a voice will surely appeal to your neighbor, too. We are glad that these records have come out in time for the holiday season and the longer winter evenings. We have warned the Angelophone Company to be prepared for many large orders to be shipped out promptly. We vouch for the Angelophone Company that you may safely send the money for whatever you may wish to order, by P. O. Order. PILGRIM BROTHER JOHNSON IN GREAT BRITAIN Arrangements have been made for Pilgrim Brother P. 8. L. Johnson to serve the friends in Great Britain. Classes there Vou. XNXVII BROOKLYN, N. Y., NOVEMBER 15, 1916 desiring appointments will please communicate with our London Office. DEATH OF CHARLES T. RUSSELL The sudden death of Pastor Chailes Taze Russell, Editor of The Waren Tower, has created a profound impression upon his many friends throughout the world. Hundreds of letters and telegrams received, further evidenee the love and esteem in which he was held, and express unqualified desire to co-operate in continuing the great cause for which he stood so many years. Brother Russell left) Brooklyn in the evening of October 16, to fill appointments in the West and Southwest, but was obliged to start homeward before his scheduled time, owing to ill health. It was on a Santa Fe train at Pampa, Tex., that he died. Brother Menta Sturgeon, who accompanied him on the trip as his secretary, telegraphed the information to the headquarters of Tue Warten Towrr BIBLE aNnp Tract Society at Brooklyn, adding that “he died a hero.” The body lay in state at Bethel Tome Saturday, and at The Temple throughout the day Sunday. In the afternoon at the hour of 2, funeral service was held for the congregation, and in the evening a service was conducted for the public. At about midnight the pody was taken to Allegheny, Pa., where in the Carnegie Hall, at 2 in the afternoon of Monday, service was held by the Pittsburgh congregation, of which he had been resident Pastor for many years. Interment took place Tuesday in the United Cemeteries at Allegheny, in the Bethel Family plot, according to his request. . We rejoice to know that instead of sleeping in death, as the saints of old, he is numbered among those whose “works follow him.” He has met the dear Lord in the air, whom he so loved as to lay down his life faithfully in his service. A MEMORIAL NUMBER Owing to the fact that this issue of THe WaTcH TowER was ready for the press at the time of Brother Russell’s death, the Society decided to insert a brief notice, with the announcement that the following issue, December 1, will be in the nature of a Memorial Number. Brother Russell’s Will provides for the continuance of the publication of THe Watcu Tower, for which he left ample manuscript to insure its publication for an indefinite period. The affairs of THE Watcu Tower BIBLE anD Tract SOCIETY will likewise be continued according to provision made by him before death. Anyone desiring extra copies of the Memoria] Number will please advise us immediately. Extra copies at the usual price—5e each, [5988]
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