Vou. XXXIX BROOKLYN, N. Y., AUGUST 1, 1918 Se No. 15 OUR DELIVERANCE DRAWETH NIGH! “The night is far spent, the day is ut hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkucss, dad let us put on the armor of light.” -IKomans 13:12. We can see only one way in which the Apostle could have said in his day that the night was far spent. He evidently rec. ognized the period of time since sin had entered the world as a time of darkness, of night. In proportion as man became alienated from God, the darkness became more intense. As sin abounded, many could not sce what was right and what was wrong. This condition still prevails. So far have they fallen from the likeness of their Creator that their minds are benighted. The Apostle says that because men did not choose “to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.” (Romans 1:28) Their minds beeame darkened, unable to distinguish right from wrong. St. Paul tells us that all this is what we might expect from a reign of sin—a reign of darkness. Satan’s opposition to God made him a Jeader of those men who watld not have God’s way; and all down the centuries these have been the majority. In their fallen condition their minds were perverted, and they became an easy prey to the wiles of the great adversary, This darkness, which the Apostle styles night, has been a period of six thousand years. Now, however, we realize that we are in the dawning of a new dispensation. Darkness is giving place to light in matters relating not only to the church, but also to the world. If it was true in the day of the Apostle that the night was far spent, how much more forceful is the expression in our day! SURELY ALL SHOULD BE AWAKE NOW! The light of the glorious Sun of Righteousness is even now breaking over the hill-tops. It cannot shine upon the whole world until al! the members of the church of Christ are glorified and exalted to power in the Messianic Kingdom. Then the darkness of sin, ignorance, superstition and wrong-doing will be dispersed. In the verse preceding our text the Apostle points out to the Chureh at Rome great responsibility saying: “Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” But how much more significant are these words to us of today, than to them! The Christian is to realize that the whole world has been asleep, in a sort of stupor respecting the highest, best and noblest things. When the child of God gets his eyes partially opened, he begins to weigh and measure matters after a different fashion from that of his previous course. As his eyes open still more widely, everything takes on a new aspect. He is able more than ever before to estimate rightly the value of things of this life and finds them not worthy to be compared with the glorious things which belong to the life eternal. He sees that for six thousand years the world has been groaning under the bondage of sin and Satan, but that the blessed morning of the great Sabbath of hallowed rest and refreshment is about to dawn. As the Christian realizes all this, he should feel disposed to arouse himself, shake himself thoroughly from the dust of ignorance, superstition, blindness and sordidness, and to live more fully in harmony with the glorious hopes which he now entertains—living for the new era, the new dispensation. Instructed more fully from the Word of God, he will not expect his salvation, his deliverance, except in connection with the second presence—the parousia—of our Lord Jesus and the establishment of his kingdom. He will see a new force, beauty and meaning in the words of the Apostle Peter: ‘Wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”—1 Peter 1:13, R. V. REIGN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AT THE DOOR The thought of the second presence of the Lord was continually before the Apostles; and our Lord evidently designed that it should be a constant incentive to the members of his church throughout the entire age. This undoubtedly, was one reason why he did not particularly explain the length of time that would intervene before the setting up of the kingdom. From God’s standpoint it would be a short interval; and even from the human standpoint it would be short to each individual, who would have only the few remaining years of his life wherein to make ready for the glorious things of the future; and “in death there is no remembrance.” As St. Paul looked back and perceived that in his day about 4178 years of the reign of sin and gross darkness, upon the world had passed, he could realize that truly the night was far spent, that the blessed day of deliverance was drawing nigh, And now we, who live in the dawn of this great day, [6299] are most highly favored by the Lord. We can see the particulars regarding this time, which were obscure in the Apostle’s time. We are standing at the very threshold of the Golden Age! As soon as the harvest of this Gospel age shall be gathered, the work of change, the transformation from the reign of evil to the reign of righteousness, will take place; and it is nigh, even at the door. Surely it is now high time that all who gre truly the Lord’s should awake out of sleep, cast off all “the works of darkness.” and put on the “whele armour ot God that we shall be able to withstand ino the evil dayv."Kphesians 6:13. “ARMOR OF LIGHT’’ ESPECIALLY NEEDED TODAY Whatever will not stand the fullest investigation in the light of this day of Christ, whatever will not win approval in the new dispensation now coming in, should be promptly renounced by all who hope for the Lord’s favor as his children, as disciples of Christ. If we really are Christ’s we belong to the new cra, not to the é6ld. We should therefore live in accordance with our citizenship and with our responsibility to the prince of Light and in opposition to the prince of darkness. We are foreWarned by the Apostle that this period of time in which the change from the dominion of the “prince of this world” to that of the prince of glory takes place, will be an especially “evil day”—a period in which all the children of light will be crucially tested. It is a day that is to “try every man’s work, of what sort it is.” It is to be a day of fiery trial, through which only the gold, silver and precious stones will pass unseathed, in which all the wood, hay and stubble of error, sin, human tradition and falsehood will be entirely destroyed. We are even now in the fires of this day, in the time when the wood, hay and stubble are being consumed; when higher criticism, evolution, Christian science, hypnotism (whether known under its own name or whether ealled mind cures), ete., are devouring as a flame all the faith structure of those children of God who have not continued faithful to the Lord, and who, therefore, have not been kept by his power, through the Word and through his providences. ‘“‘WALE AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT’’ All who are truly the Lord’s should “walk honestly, as in the day.” We are not yet fully in the day; but we belong to the day, and are therefore to live as nearly as possible up to the perfect standards of the future. So to live will mean selfdenial. It will mean that we shall be misunderstood by the world and all who have its spirit. It will mean that we shall be thought foolish, that we shall be considered enemies—not so much by those who are in gross darkness ag by those who profess to be the Lord’s people, to be children of the light, but who really prefer darkness and error to light and truth. We are inclined to lay special stress on the word, “honestly,” used by the Apostle, and believe that he used it advisedly and in a particular sense. As we look about us today, we see that dishonesty is very prevalent. Not merely in the world, where we expect to find a certain amount of duplicity, misrepresentation and deception, and to see people passing for what they are not, do we find this kind of dishonesty very prevalent, but amongst professing Christians. We have even known professed ministers of the Gospel to boast of their dishonesty—-to declare that they never have believed the creed which they have professed to believe and which they have vowed that they would teach. Intelligent ministers of all denominations are preaching what they do not believe, standing for creeds and confessions of faith which misrepresent their own sentiments. They are acting dishonestly; they are searing their consciences; they are putting themselves into conditions where they cannot make progress into the light of truth; for surely God does not purpose to have dishonest people in his elect Church. If these do not very quickly change and become honest, they will certainly have their portion with the hypocrites; for it is the hypocrites who are dishonest. HONESTY A BASIC TRAIT OF CHARACTER Christians, above all other people in the world, should be honest. and sincere in their professions. They should be honest in their dealings with their neighbors, with their brethren, and especially in their confessions respecting their God and their faith, This test must be met by every one who names the name of Christ. Those who love the favor of men more than the favor of God, who would rather confess and profess a lie than to espouse an unpopular cause—even when they know it is God’s cause—will be given up to their lie. Such are surely proving themselves unfit for the kingdom, unfit to (227 228)
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