(31-18) THE the Spirit shine brighter and renders its use more facile and effective. There is much in it to incite heart-searching as to faith, loyalty and love; much to arouse us to watchfulness, and to admonish, ‘My soul, be on thy guard’; much to cause thanksgiving and praise. To all who in any measure had any share in compiling the Seventh Volume I send my thanks and assure them of my prayers ascending to our heavenly Father in their behalf. Theirs has been a Tabor of love and of sac WATCH TOWER Brooxziyn, N. Y. rifice. It may bring them persecution and suffering. If a0, let ours be the privilege of building around them a wall of prayer to help comfort and sustain them.” I. M. F., —Pa. “The way Volume Seven came to me was a great surprise— without any notice of its being off the press! I assure you it brings us much rejoicing and blessing of beart, and this is only a beginning of what we will receive by our further studies of this volume.” E, L. M.,—Ind. VOLUME SEVEN QUESTION BOOKLETS The Questions to Volume Seven are now ready in bookjet form, and orders thus far received are being filled. The Questions are in themselves an inspiration, and will, we are sure, greatly assist the friends in both personal and class CONTINUE THE Some of the friends seem to have misunderstood our suggestion regarding the distribution of B. S. M. No. 99 “Tux Fat or BAByLon,” assuming that the Socrety did not wish any copies given out after the date set for the general distribution, viz., Dec. 30th last. This assumption is incorrect. If you did not receive your papers in time to distribute on that date, or if you were unable to cover your territory in one day, then we recommend that you continue to distribute them as rapidly and judiciously as possible. Many friends are now sending them out into the country districts, either by mail or by personal journeys. with excellent results, while others are having great blessings by distributing them in study of THe Finisuep Mystery. The booklet contains a chart frontispiece which shows the chronological order of the Seven Churches, Messengers, Seals, Trumpets, Angels, Vials and Plagues. Price 10¢ each or 84¢ per dozen. DISTRIBUTION trains and street cars. If an additional supply of this issue is desired, please advise us and we will ship them promptly. Since the distribution of Tue Biste Stupenrs MontTu.y —“Trm Fatt or Babyron’—in greater New York, hundreds of letters have been received at the office from strangers ordering Tue Frnisuep Mystery. We wish to encourage the friends everywhere to greater activity in the distribution of this number of the Volunteer matter. Use this Birnie StvpENTS Montuy at the publie meetings for distribution. The publie speakers will continue to use the subject “Tar FAL. or Bapyton” for public addresses. The Lord is greatly blessing this work. ATTENTION AUSTRALIAN FRIENDS A large shipment of Volume Seven is on the way and should reach Metbourne about Feb. 1st. Australian Colpor Vou. XXXIX When asked what would be the evidence of the end of the world (age), the great Master Teacher enumerated many things that would come to pass at that time, proving that we had reached the end of the world. He admonished his followers to watch the development of these evidences, telling them, ‘When these things begin to come to pass then look up, lift up your heads, for your deliverance draweth nigh.” It seems fitting that we here, from time to time, make note of these events as they transpire, which were foretold by the Lord Jesus, that we might be strengthened in faith and hold fast that which we have received and be better prepared to enter into the kingdom. Through a number of the prophets God long aforetime called attention to events corroborating the testimony given by the Lord Jesus, events which are now being fulfilled before our eyes. The prophet lijah, in the mountain, saw a great wind and then an earthquake, that was followed by a fire, and then heard the still, small voice. (1 Kings 19:11, 12} Elijah in the mount, it seems, represented the church of God, who, on this side the vail, are privileged to see and to understand events due which are happening at this time. ‘hus seeing and understanding and appreciating their privilege, they are further blessed with the opportunity of binding the religio-political “kings” with chains of restraining truth; and the “nobles” with fetters of iron—the beginning of the restraints of the coming iron rule of the kingdom of God. As another evidence thai the Lord used Pastor Russell as his messenger to the Laodicean period of the church’s development, we note that he wrote twenty years ago foretelling events now transpiring. He said: “The four exhibitions of the Lord given to Elijah represent, we believe, four manifestations In which the Lord is about to reveal himself to mankind, the first three of which will prepare men for the final one in which will come the desired blessing to all the families of the earth. The first was the blowing of the winds, which seem to be used in the Scriptures for wars. Second, an earthquake. Throughout the Scriptures an earthquake seems always to represent revolution, and it igs not unreasonable to expect that an era of general warfare would so arouse the lower classes of Kurope and so discontent them with their lot (especially with the conditions which would follow such a war) that revolution would be the next thing in order. (Rev. 16:18) But severe though those revolutionary experiences will be to the world, BROOKLYN, N. Y., FEBRUARY 1, 1918 VIEWS FROM THE WATCH TOWER teurs will be promptly supplied by addressing our Melbourne Branch. No. 3 they are not sufficient to prepare men to hear the voice of God. It will require fire from Heaven.” Tue Warcn ‘lower, July Ist, 1898, Page 208. Already we witness the nations passing to the second stage foretold by Elijah’s experience, namely, revolution. Already revolution ‘has its grip upon Russia and threatens ali the other kingdoms. Revolutionists have control in Russia and a reign of tyranny and crime is the result. Famine adds to the terror, and many are robbed and maltreated. The press despatches, on January 7th, state: “The new masters of the situation are laborers, factory hands, shop men, waiters and domestic servants, while their former masters have to sing small and listen to their employes. Al relationships are reversed. Socialist decrees are rapidly issued for this purpose every day. “The food situation is critical, owing to the suspension of railway communication. Many trainloads of food for Petrograd have been looted by soldiers and peasants while on the way. Starvation seems to stare us in the face. We receive a small quantity—three quarters of a pound—of black bread per head for two days. The black, sometimes dark brown, bread, doled out by a card system, is sticky, gritty stuff, only half baked, composed of millers’ refuse with mixed straw and of the consistency of putty. Meat is a rare luxury. Horse flesh is in common use. “Petrograd is full of dirt, disorder and crime. ‘There has deen no cleaning since the beginning of the war. Burglary, robbery and murder in audacious forms prevail to an extent hitherto unknown, There are no police and no authority one van appeal to. Men and women are stripped of overcoats and shoes in the streets at night, and armed marauders, in military uniform, enter houses under a pretext of official searches. Thieves in stolen motor cars hold up persons driving sledges. Nobody knows where to put money and valuables safely, since even private safes and banks are subjected to revision by government agents,” AFTER THE WIND THE EARTHQUAKE The Bolsheviki threaten to carry the revolution to every country on earth. A press despatch from London, dated January 12th, reads as follows: “The call of Ensign Krylenko, the Bolshevik Commanderin-Chief, for volunteers for a Russian army, was issued in the form of an appeal to the soldiers and workmen and as a reply to the German peace proposals. [6206]
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