Frsruary 1, 1918 to his great plan, and of their privilege to fill up that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ. And soon, by his grace, they shall enter into their everlasting reward, far beyond any other ereatures of the world or in heaven. Please continue to encourage the dear brethren all you can. If there is anything that we can do for them here, kindly let me now. With much love to you and all the dear ones in Glasgow, I beg to remain, Your brother and servant by his grace, J. F. RUrHiRrorp, AWAKENED BY VOLUME SEVEN DEAR Sirs :— Last week I purchased one of your books entitled “The Finished Mystery’—Series V11 of SrupIES IN THE SCRIPTURES. { did‘not know what it was when I bought it, but IJ now thank God that it came into my possession. It is as a drink to one dying of thirst in a desert. For the past four years my heart has been full of unrest. I could not tell why, but I simply could not enjoy going to church. Try as I might, I could find no satisfaction and peace when I did go; finally I gave myself up as hopelessly lost and wondered why I had ever lived. But now I am awakened! I beg of you to tell me if there is time enough left for me to do anything in the service of our King whom I have always loved and longed to serve. I am sending for the other volumes of STUDIES IN THE ScrirTURES and for the booklet “About Hell” which you announce. I can distribute tracts if you have any and will send me some. I want to become one of you and work in the Master’s vineyard, Yours in need of Christian counsel, Mrs. T. C. Cragk,—Okle. CHURCHES LIKE OPERA HOUSES Deag Sigs :— Some friend has sent me a copy of Volume Seven of your series of STUDIES iN THE ScripTuREs, I don’t know who did it; but I have been praying God to give me more light on the Bible, and when I received this book if was surely a godsend, Our churches are getting like opera houses where people go just to have a good time. Six weeks ago I ceased going to church. I have quit churchianity. I told our minister that no church institution could serve two masters and spiritually prosper. Enclosed find Money Order for $4.60 for which please send me the entire seven books by Pastor Russell and THe Watcu Towrk for one year, as announced on the last page of this Seventh Volume. Respectfully, 1. H., County Treas.—Iowa. WORDS INADEQUATE FOR EXPRESSION Dear BRETHREN IN THE Lorp:— Words are totally inadequate to describe the feelings of the brethren with regard to the Seventh Volume. We are unanimous in proclaiming it to be the work of those guided by God. It is really ¢ wonderful book and, like the Bible Vou, XXXIX THE WATCH TOWER BROOKLYN, N. Y., FEBRUARY 15, 1918 TWO CLASSES IN THE CHURCH (47-51) itself, there is nothing to be eliminated, nor can there be anything added; it is complete in itself. We join in praising the great Jehovah in giving us such a help through his honored servants. Our prayer is that the heart of each one may be filled with a determination to continue faithful unto death. Your brother in Christ, A. Hunt,—Eng. VOLUME SEVEN LED HER TO CONSECRATION DEAR BRETHREN :— I am truly grateful that our heavenly Father hag placed the Seventh Volume in my hand. It has brought me out of darkness intv the light. It has opened my eyes of understanding that 1 have been able to see more clearly God’s wonderful plan. The first word of truth I received was in October when one of our dear sisters in the colporteur work asked me to buy Volume VII. Since then I have bought the other six volumes and I study every spare moment. T am. now one of the fully consecrated children of God and I pray and trust that 1 may continue to be until death. I ask you to pray for me. Your sister by his grace, CAROLINE ScHLICHENMAIER,—/a. WHAT THE ‘‘PENNY’’ SIGNIFIES Dear BRETHREN :— Greetings! Please permit me to draw your attention to an article from our dear Brother Russell’s pen, found in THE WartcH Tower of Aug. 15, 1910, page 264, entitled “Go Ye Also into the Vineyard”—especially that portion under the subhead, ‘Agreed for a Penny 2 Day.’ This seems to be very timely just now in settling the question of the “Penny”; and will you not, dear brethren, prayerfully take the matter to the Lord, for it seems to me it is indeed “meat in due season,” and would be his will that the article be republished in THE Tower at the present time? How we rejoice in our privileges of service! “The Lord bless thee and keep thee” is my prayer continually. With love and best wishes, as ever, Your brother in the Lord, W. M. Hersee,—Pilgrim. [The article above referred to is reprinted in this issue. | “The Lord has indeed multiplied my blessings this day by the safe and unexpected arrival of the Seventh Volume, My joy was so evident when the post woman delivered it that she had to know about it and was glad to get Volume One for herself. ‘My cup runneth over.’ “At our Praise meeting tonight the testimonies were full of thanksgiving for this very precious completing volume. The immediate effect of the short time already given to Volume Seven is a heart full of gratitude to God and a reiteration of my consecration to him; also deep thankfulness to our Lord Jesus, who has girded himself during this harvest period and is serving us with so rich a feast culminating in Volume Seven, through that ‘faithful servant,’ our beloved Brother Russell (who seems very near to us though parted from us for a brief while). The preceding six volumes are made stil] more precious by the possession of the Seventh. Truly we are thoroughly furnished.” F. H. W.,—Scotland. No. 4 “Nevertheless the foundation af God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to less honor.” —2 The Scriptures clearly teach that when God’s plan concerning man is completed there will be four classes redeemed from among men; viz., (1) the little flock, who are to sit with Christ on his throne, reign with him in the regeneration of the human race, and who will forever be the recipients of God’s favor through Christ Jesus; (2) the great company class, born on the spirit plane, who are to be the servants before the throne, like unto angela; (3) the ancient worthies, who will be princes or representatives of the. Christ in the earth; and (4) restored human beings, who shall inherit the earth forever. All of these classes, when finally completed, will be perfectly happy in the position they gain. The little flock is mentioned in the Scriptures under many names, such as, the bride of Christ, the body of Christ, the royal priesthood, ete. To such the Lord Jesus said, “I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Luke 22: 29,30) These shall “bear the image of the heavenly” (1 Corinthians 15:49) and shall “shine forth as the sun in the king Timothy 2:19, 20. dom. {Matthew 13:43) Those who have sacrificed all things to follow in the footsteps of the Master, because of their love for God and his beloved, Son, are anxious to awake in his likeness and be forever with the Lord.—Psalm 27:4. BE NOT AT EASE (IDLE) IN ZION Some who for a long while have actively participated in the harvest work under the direction of the Watcu Tower BrBte ano Tract Socrery have recently assumed a position in opposition to its work, and their speech and conduct hag tended to disturb some of the Lord’s dear sheep. Reference is made to Tue WatTcH Tower of January 15, 1918, page 30, wherein the brother who is really the leader of those who take this position in opposition is quoted as saying, in substance, that those adhering to the Socrery or having anything to do with its present management, and all those who are participating in the distribution of Tux Biste STupEents Montuty, “The Fall of Babylon,” and of “The Finished Mystery’ are of the great company class. The purposes in making such a statement could be only to induce those actively engaged in the harvest work to cease their efforts and to dis [6211]
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