(94-82) newspaper may say to the contrary. Needless to say that we rejoice that such is the case, because we recognize in this Sooirry a great force for good. Through its instrumentality the Bible today is read by more people and read more intelligently, than ever before. It has made people think, it THE WATCH TOWER Brooxuyn, N. Y. has caused them to moralize along the right lines, and has opened their eyes to the absurdity, and in some instances, the cruelty of certain old-fashioned dogmatic theologians. FroM MERCANTILE AND FINANOIAL TIMES.—N, Y. IN RE THE MENA FILM CO. From time to time we receive letters concerning the Mena Film Company; and some of the dear friends seem to misunderstand the attitude of the Society toward that organization. We have heretofore published in THe Watcu ‘TowER the Society’s position, but we now repeat that the Mena Film Company is a separate and distinct organization from the WarcH ToweRk Bipte anp Tract Socrery. Our Society has nothing whatsoever to do with the work of the Mena Film Company. We have no money invested in it now, nor have we had anything to do with this work in the past. This does not mean that we are antagonistic to the Mena Film Company and would, therefore, want to do it injury. It is not our province to do injury to any one. We have no interest in the railroads of the land; yet we would not want to do injury to any railroad company. investments in railroad securities are for purely selfish purposes. Investments which are for the purpose of teaching the Bible surely are much more commendable. The Warcr Towrr BisLe anp Tract Sociery we believe was specially organized under the Lord’s direction for the purpose of doing the harvest work of the gospel age, and nothing else. Thousands of Christian people, realizing this to he the mission of the Society, have gladly contributed their time and money and have joined with it in such work. We do not believe that any other organization in the world has been used or is now being used to do harvest work; hence all of our time, energy and money is spent in that behalf. We do not believe it to be pleasing to the Lord for us to engage in any other work except that supervised by the Society. More than a year ago certain consecrated brethren believed that they saw a field opening to them for the teaching of the Bible through the medium of moving pictures. They organized the Mena Film Company for that purpose. Such was their privilege. They believe the Lord’s blessing has been upon their undertaking. If so, then all Christians should rejoice with them. Anything that turns the people away from error and teaches them the truth is to be commended. The Mena Film Company has produced a picture different from any that is shown in any of the theatres throughout the world. ‘Ihe picture discloses the perfect man and woman in Eden, and the temptdtion of Mother Eve by Lucifer. Many episodes are then presented showing how Satan, from the time of Eden until now, has sought to thwart God’s purposes and how, ultimately, Satan will be overthrown, and how restitution blessings will then come to mankind. Surely every true Christian rejoices to have the people receive the message of Truth relating to God’s great plan. We cannot believe that Satan would wish this picture shown, because it exposes his nefarious methods and his ultimate downfall. We must conelude, then, that the Lord would be pleased to have it shown; because it shows the ultimate triumph of truth and righteousness. Just how much good will be acquired by the public who have no knowledge of the Bible, we do not know; but it may he that the Lord desires to use this for the purpose of turning the minds of the people back to the Bible. The clergy have turned their minds away from it and offer them no hope. The world is in great distress. If the Lord is pleased to bless the efforts of these brethren of the Mena Film Company, then we will rejoice with them. KINGDOM NEWS The evidences daily increase that the “dark night” is fast settling down. The new dispensation is coming in. It seems appropriate, therefore, to announce the kingdom, and to call the people’s attention to the fact that millions now living on earth may never die, because the “times of restitution” will soon begin. The Society is issuing a statement which explains the opposition manifested against the message of the seventh volume, how it came to be suppressed, and the clergy’s responsibility in connection therewith. A full explanation such as the friends and the publie desire is given in clear terms. We are shipping the classes a supply of these papers for general circulation, in about the same quantity as waa ordered for the No. 99 B, S. M. distribution. These papers are released for distribution immediately you receive them, and we pray the Lord’s blessing upon the united efforts of the friends in this proclamation of our present position. Shipments will begin to be made within a few days. YEAR’S MOTTO FULL OF MEANING Many recent letters from friends throughout the country tell of the special help and comfort the 1918 Year Text has given them at this time: “The end of aj] things is at hand: Be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer; and above all things have fervent love among yourselves.” (1 Peter 4:7, 8) We still have a small quantity of these mottoes, also postcards bearing this text, which the friends may have at half price while they last. The mottoes, 5¢ each; the postcards 10¢ per dozen, postpaid. Vou. XXXIX~ OUR SAFE REFUGE BROOKLYN, N. Y., APRIL 1, 1918 No. 7 “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpast. tants of the earth for their iniquity; the For, behold, the Lord cometh out of hig place to punish the inhabi carth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.’—Isaiah 26:20, 21. While standing upon the watch tower and beholding the terrible storm that is raging, the sea and the waves roaring, lashing with fury the more stable places of society; while hearing the rumbling thunder of ‘the near approaching earthquake and beholding in the distance occasional flashes of destructive fire, what a wonderful privilege to be numbered among the people of God and to know that we are absolutely secure from all harm! Who can enjoy such a privilege as this? Jehovah, through his Word, answers, “My people.” What does it mean to be of the people of God? What are the requirements? Ah, it means much more than many think it means—much more, both on man’s part and on God’s part. On the part of man it means not merely the naming of the name of Christ and being a member of some organization which claims to be Christian. It means on man’s part that he must recognize himself to be born a sinner and in need of a savior; he must recognize that Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, died and rose again for the purpose of redeeming mankind. Believing this, it means that man must take the further step of a full surrender of his own will to do the will of God—a full and complete consecration to the Lord. It means, further, full heart obedience to the will of God by daily taking up his cross and following in the footsteps of Jesus, and thus continuing faithful, even unto death, As the Psalmist expresses it, the thought of “my people” includes only those who have made a covenant with God by sacrifice. (Psalm 50:5) It includes all such consecrated and faithful children of God, however young or old, weak or strong, they may be, who possess a pure heart, firmly and resolutely fixed, and loyally obedient unto the heavenly Father. WHO CONSTITUTE GOD'S PEOPLE On the part of God it means that he has accepted us at consecration through the merit of his beloved Son, Jesus, and that he has begotten us anew to a hope of life, reserved in heaven for those who are kept by his power, through faith, [6228]
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