= = Watchman, What ofthe Night? the Morning Cometh, and a Night alsoftes.a:n@ VOL, XL AUGUST 1 No. 15 SEMI-MONTHLY A, D. 1919—A.M. 6047 CONTENTS Blessed are the Fearless Fear of Man a Snare Gideon’s Triumph Fearless Faithful Prophets The Beast and the Lamb Ly a The Truth our Weapon “ais ee, iy ny Z y Distribution of Volunteer Matter (i ( Lidije A Ata a iis Spirit of Little Flock i; ET) : G i! Power and a Sound Mind Hil “nN MUG ZS oy UL j 5 The fest of Feriect Love ee ie ta cripture for a Purpose ZZ ; t Take Heed unto Yourselves mae on General Convention: Cedar Point, Ohio 235 ! er ‘ " : s i The Wisdom from Above on ’ , 5 - a The Kingdom of God eee ant: Deu s| ; i ASE. ed ’ - : ib The Sheep and the Goats uf ze ss 1 a ” i “Tf unll stand upon my watch, and will set my foot upon the ‘1 FE, an FE, 7 . ‘ Le at Tower, and will watch to see what He will sav unto me, and L = - what answer | shall make to them that oppose me, '~—Hab, 2:1, ——— n SE 3 ‘sg hearts failing them for fear and for looking i of nations with perplexity: the sta and the waves (the restless, discontented) roaring; Men's to the thongs tognne Gietress | earth (society): for the powers of the beavens (ecclesiasticism) shall be shaken. .. nner ye ace ghege things be oe come to fee then Know that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Look up, lft up your heads, rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh.— Ma 333; 729; Luk
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