(15-23) the Tower,” for Nov. 1, 1918, is solid ground. I have read it twice. Here are my heart and my hand, trusting that we shall all stay in the ship, storm or no storm, until we reach harbor. His hand ia on the helm. His voice is speaking peace to the warring elements. How very good to have him with us, to be with him, to be his, his forever! In a general way the Lord’s family, while yet in the flesh, resemble a natural family in some things. We manage by the grace of God to hang together. It takes much grace. So to speak, we hug and scratch, we kiss and make facea; but we are trying to be good. I believe that the dear Master loves us dearly; for his grace hides our imperfections. We do not always do so, and it hurts. But the sea is rough; the ship rolls and is tossed; the passengers are jostled. But it is sate to stay on board. Your brother by his grace, J. P. M.—Ohto. AN EXPRESSION OF LOVE AND CONFIDENCE DeagLy BELOVED BRETHREN IN CHRIST: At a convention of Associated Bible Students assembled in East Palestine, Ohio, on Dec. 1, a motion was made, which carried without a dissenting vote, to send you an expression, of our love and confidence. ‘The resolution follows: RESOLVED, That we, Associated Bible Students here assembled, hereby renew our pledge of loyalty and support to our brethren in charge of the work at the offices of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. We believe THE Watcl TOWER is being used of the Lord today as much as at any time in the past. It is indeed “meat in due season” to all who abide in the “Holy.” Be assured, dear brethren, of our continued prayers that the Lord will direct and uphold you in the work he has placed in your hands. God bless our Society and ALL the faithful cu-laborers! CoMMITTEE, GLAD TO SEE HARMONY DEAB BRETHREN: Loving greetings to all the dear ones at the Watch Tower Office. We appreciate more and more the loving service of the dear ones whom the Lord is using to give us the food. I was so glad for the little visit to Pittsburgh and glad to see the harmony there. May the dear Lord keep you all humble servants, worthy of a place in the kingdom. How foolish to VoL. XL PITTSBURGH, PA, LORD, TEACH THE WATCH TOWER Prrrssurcu, Pa. let a little pride and desire for honer shut us out from our eternity of honor and glory! With sincere love to all, we beg to remain By his kind favor, Brother and Sister J. G. T.—Ohio. APPRECIATING THE LORD'S PROVISIONS Dear BRETHREN: I wish to express my appreciation for the meat in due season and things new and old provided by our Lord through THe Warcn Tower for the household of faith. My earnest prayer is that God may fill you with his holy Spirit and overrule and direct your actions to his praise and glory forever. Surely our faith should multiply and we should put forth double effort in overcoming the world, the flesh and our adversary, and in perfecting holiness as we see the unmistakable signs of the end of the age and the inauguration of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. May love abound in the bonds of peace, and may we be filled with the joy that no man taketh from us. Your fellow-laborer, C, F.—Md. A FEW WORDS OF KINDLY GREETINGS Dear BRETHREN: Just a line to greet you at the new offices of the Society, and to assure you of my warm Christian love for you all and of my hope and trust to continue faithful to our Lord, the truth and the brethren, not only in great matters, but also in the little things of life. We still continue to remember you all in our daily prayers. With warm Christian love, I remain Sincerely your brother in the Lord, G. B—Ont. THANKFUL FOR INCREASED LIGHT Dean BRETHREN: While our Society, like ita Lord and Head, is moving about doing good, we are joyous to know that we are absolutely in harmony with its management, its movements, its sayings and its doings. We are indeed happy to know that those who represent the Society in the true sense of the word know, backed by Scriptural evidence, what the mark of the beast is. So beautifully was this matter explained in connection with a discourse delivered by our dear Brother Thorn on last Sunday, that many of the dear brethren who heard it acknowledged to him their mistaken ideas re this matter. Thank God for the increased light now shining! Your brother and fellow servant, R. H. J.—Tezas. JANUARY 15, 1919 US TO PRAY No. 2 [Paragraphs 12 and 13 were reprinted from article entitled, “Pray Without Ceasing,” published in issue of April 15, 1904. The remainder was reprinted from article entitled, “Lord Teach Us to Pray,” published in issue of July 1, 1906. Please see the articles named.] THE LORD WILL DIRECT THE ISSUE It is as important as ever to keep before our minds the thought of our Lord’s personal relationship to every feature of his work. If the early church were to remember his words, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,” the thought of the Lord’s personal presence now in the harvest should be still more impressive to us. If he kept a supervision or control of all the affairs of his people throughout the age, does not the thought of his second coming and still more intimate association with every little detail of what is planned make us rejoice to be more caieful, more zealous? To the extent that we are able to keep this clearly before our mindg, it will make us happy in respect to right fighting and right doing. For instance, should the adversary make suggestions to us of discontent or dissatisfaction with the manner in which things pertaining to the Lord’s people have been progressing, let us answer him that we know he is mistaken, for the Lord himself is present and is supervising his work. If at Any time matters seem to be going contrary to our hopes or expectations, let usa not think the Lord has neglected the supervision of his work and is allowing the Adversary to dash it to pieces. On the contrary, let us establish our hearts in the fact that the Lord is too wise to err and is as able as he is willing to make all things work together for good to us, and to all the called ones, according to his purpose. If tempted to intermeddle with matters that the Lord has put into the hands of another, let this thought reatrain us and counsel us to give closer attention to that which the Master has committed to our care; and to remember that “to his own Master each servant stands or falls” and that it is for him to approve or disapprove. It is not, therefore, for us to grasp management or control or in any degree to force our views upon others, but rather to do our part as faithfully as, possible and to leave the results to the Lord.—2Z. ’09, p. 5. ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS In view of events which have taken place during the past vear, the dear friends everywhere have taken the keenest interest in the annual meeting of shareholders of the WatcH Tower Bisie & Tract Society, which was held in the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall in Pittsburgh, Pa., on Saturday, January 4th, 1919. With eagerness has every Bible Student the world over looked forward to the events which would transpire there, and countless prayers have ascended to the throne of heavenly grace that the will of the Lord might be clearly manifested at this meeting. We are sure these prayers were answered; and the unanimity with which the results were received by all present seems unmistakable evidence that the same Mighty One who has directed the affairs of his church throughout the centuries still stands guard over the interests of his little ones, and that no weapon formed against them shall prosper, for this iy the heritage of all the servants of righteousness. (Isaiah 54:17) How comforting and reassuring is our year text for 1919 in this regard! FOUR DAYS OF SWEET PELLOWSHIP Preliminary to the shareholders’ annual meeting of Sat [6378]
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