Anno hominis

Be ready to be amazed regarding the real history of man. Countless times the Bible accuracy has been questioned, but every time it's account has proven to be real and precise. We reveal here the true history of man according to the bible account.

People of good will want to know the answer to the question: when did man first came to be on Earth? Did it evolve in time or it was created all of a sudden by God Almighty?

Anno hominis

It must be first established from the beginning that there is a major difference between the moment when God began the creation of the Earth, planets, stars and other heavenly bodies and the creation of the first man, Adam. The bible does not describe the epochs of time from the creation of the world, that is Anno Mundi, but it does reveal the time passed from the creation of Adam until present day. Because of these big differences, to establish in what year we currently are from the creation of Adam we will make use of the expression Anno Hominis (a.h.), that is from the first man and not Anno Mundi, that is the year from the Creation.

How to calculate?

To determine the ANNO HOMINIS year, we provide the following simple formula:
ANNO HOMINIS = present year + 4025
It follows that the year 2024 corresponds  with the year 6049 a.h.

How come that people don't know this information?

Because Satan and his organization have a major interest in hiding the true history of mankind because history is the one that establishes and explains the present, it influences the way of action of man related with the future. A false history hides the facts from the past, manipulates the identity of society and sets society on a wrong path.

The Bible or the secular history?

Sometimes the secular history does not corresponds with the bible's chronology. Which of these accounts is the REAL ONE? This question has received it's answer in time. For example there are many events, persons and dates recorded in the Bible that initially were questioned by researchers, but eventually were proven to be exact. Some of these include: the existence of Pontius Pilate, the historicity of king David, the existence of king Hezekiah, the existence of king Solomon, the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylonians, the existence of Hittites, the killing of the Assyria's king Sennacherib by his sons and others.

A major part of the people living on Earth have been deceived to believe that man existed for millions of years. The majority of people adhere to this belief. Educational and learning systems from the so called christian nations teach this to children from an early age. But now people are put face to face with the Bible's account and chronology.
In the light of this information we understand how irrelevant are the teachings of the so called scientists with their false theories that support the teachings that man existed for millions of years. They know not more than knew the people that were destroyed by The Flood in 2370 B.C.E. They have imagined that they knew better than the message of God transmitted through Noah. Their end must a lesson to us today according to the prophetic words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 24:37-39
The above diagram shows with accuracy the key points for establishing the historical facts of humanity as they are explained bellow:

1. From Adam's creation to The Flood

The Genealogy from Adam to Noah is clearly described in the Bible and the following years are resulting: From the creation of Adam to the birth of Seth 130, to the birth of Enos 105, to the birth of Cainan 90, to the birth of Mahalaleel 70, to the birth of Jared 65, to the birth of Ehoch 162, to the birth of Methuselah 65, to the birth of Lamech 187, to the birth of Noah 182, to the Flood 600. These facts are recorded in Genesis 5:3-29 ; Genesis 7:6 This period covers a total of 1656 years.

2. From the Flood to the Abrahamic covenant made in Cannan

From the beginning of the Flood to the birth of Shem's son Arphaxad 2, to the birth of Salah 35, to the birth of Eber 30, to the  birth of Peleg 34, to the birth of Reu 30, to the birth of Serug 32, to the birth of Nahor 30, to the birth of Terah 29, to the death of Terah when Abraham was 75 years old and then he crossed the Euphrates river into the Promised Land 205. These facts are recorded in Genesis 11:10-32 ; Genesis 12:1-7
This period covers a total of 427 years.

3. From the Abrahamic covenant made in Cannan to the Law Covenant at the time of the Exodus

The period of time between these two events is clearly being shown in the Scriptures and it is 430 years. This fact is recorded in Exodus 12:40-43 ; Galatians 3:16,17
This period covers a total of 430 years.

4. From The Exodus to the Construction of the Temple by king Solomon

The period of time between these two events is clearly being shown in the Scriptures as taking place in the 480th year, which clearly indicates 479 full years. These fact is recorded in 1 Kings 6:1,2
This period covers a total of 479 years.

5. From the death of king Solomon and the Division of the Kingdom to the Destruction of Jerusalem

The beginning the temple's construction began in the 4th year of Solomon's reign. Solomon reigned over Israel 40 years, 2 Chronicles 9:30 și 1 Kings 11:42 . This means that from the beginning of the temple's construction until Solomon's death and the division of the kingdom to the destruction of Jerusalem 390 years have passed, as it is recorded in Ezekiel 4:1-13 . This is also confirmed also by the chronicles recorded in 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles.
This period covers a total of 427 years.

6. From the Destruction of Jerusalim and the killing of Gedaliah, the last governor over Jews appointed by the king of Babilon to the Temple's Reconstruction

According to the sacred recording this period was exactly 70 years, as it is recorded in Jeremiah 25:11,12; Jeremiah 29:10 și 2 Kings 25:22-26 ; 2 Chronicles 36:20,21 .
This period covers a total of 70 years.

7. From the Temple's Reconstruction to the year 1 B.C.E.

It is a well-known fact that cannot be questioned by secular researches nor by biblical researches, that Babylon was conquered in the year 539 B.C.E. According to the Bible account from Ezra 1:1-4 , Ezra 3:1-6 Cyrus gave the well-known decree that permitted Jews to return to Jerusalem. This decree was given in his first year of reign. His first year of reign, that is his first regnal year began in the spring of 538 B.C.E. So the decree was given either at the end of 538 B.C.E., either close to the spring of the year 537 B.C.E. It follows that the Jews have had enough time to establish themselves in Jerusalem to reestablish the true worship of Jehovah in the 7th month, that is tishri, that is in the approximate period of 1st October 537 B.C.E. With the establishment of the year 537 B.C.E. for the temple's reconstruction we easily understand that from the temple's reconstruction until the year 1 B.C.E. there are in total 536 years.
This period covers a total of 536 years.

8. From the year 1 B.C.E. to the year 1 C.E.

The year zero does not exist, so it follows that from the year 1 B.C.E. to the year 1 C.E. there is exactly 1 year.
This period covers a total of 1 year.

9. From the year 1 C.E. to the present

The number of years from 1 C.E. until present is evident. For example until the year 2024 there are 2023 full years.
This period covers a total of 2023 years.

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