The growing brightness of truth

Jehovah discovered gradually the correct interpretation of the Bible, by the use of the Faithful and Discreet Servant and Jehovah's witnesses must keep up with the light and not go backwards to the teachings from the period of darkness.
From the year 1878 until the year 1918, the restoring work of the truths of Jehovah God was unfolding. This work has been foreshadowed by the work of the prophet Elijah.
In the yearly time, that is, „the dawn” many of „Christianity” came out from various religions and they received the truth, but some of the religious errors clung to them.
These errors are showed by the prophet as being „the filthy garments” that were brought away by those who separated themselves from Satan's organization, „Babylon”. These errors were at the base of the total stop of their work.
In the spring of 1919 the remnant of the chosen ones have been suddenly snatched from the power of the enemy and they were freed from a deathlike state of captivity.
The resurrection the their work in 1919 was similar with their resurrection from death. Afterwards a great work of revelations about the religious errors was unfolded and great progress has been made with announcing the Presence of the King and the Kingdom of God.
Corrected mistakes as examples
Jehovah God discovers progressively to people the meaning of his Word. Proverbs 4:18
”But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.”
For a long time it was believed that the main purpose of God is to save souls from death. This is a big deception. Accordingly to the prayer „Our Father”, Jehovah will vindicate his holly name, so it follows that the THEOCRACY is the most important doctrine.
For a long time the King's brothers have wrongly applied the teaching regarding the Higher Authorities about which Paul wrote at Romans 13:1-7
, applying those verses to the political powers of the nations. This teaching was corrected in the year 1929 by W.T. „The Higher Powers (part I)” W.T. „The Higher Powers (part II)” . The light that came from the Temple has clearly showed that the application of the verses to the political authorities of the nations was a mistake.
God does not reveal all at once his light about the Scriptures, but as it is written in his Word. While the light was growing, the Watchtower enjoyed the light and with joy acknowledged mistakes made in past.
These mistakes appeared because of the inclination on the human reasoning. Jehovah God is his own interpret, and he holds the revelation of his purpose until his proper time.
Each final conclusion at which the children of God reach, that is Christ brothers, must have complete support of the Word of God and so, each part of understanding must be in harmony with all the other parts of it.
Accordingly to the Word of God the light brights high not until Armageddon, but until the „middle of the day”. According to the facts this „middle of the day” took place in the approximate period of the years 1950 -1962.
Once the children of God, that are the brothers of Jesus, have been enlighten by the light that comes from the Temple, the returning to the wrong teachings that they had in the darkness period means regress into sin and returning to Babylon.
Turning back to the erroneous teachings and corrected by the Faithful and Discreet Servant of those who pretend to be Jehovah's witnesses is a mistake and defiance of King's authority.
If today, someone, or a group, or an organization comes with a wrong teaching which was used in the period of darkness and that teaching was already corrected by the Faithful and Discreet Servant, the teaching from the period of darkness can not be included in „the light grows brighter and brighter”, but it is included in the action of „going back to Babylon”.
Today many persons who consider themselves to be Jehovah's witnesses are stained with wrong teachings that the King corrected already. The JWunited project proposes: Restoration of the True Worship coming from the Temple, therefore we do not accept any teaching that was once identified by the Faithful and Discreet Servant as being wrong and then corrected, just to be now „re-sold” to the Jehovah's witnesses as light. We urge all Jehovah's witnesses on the planet to do the same in full obedience the to King enthroned from 1914.
For more information we recommend the following literature: W.T. A People For His Name; The Manifestation of Messiah's Presence paragraph 30; W.T. Integrity, paragraph 2; W.T. Fill the Earth (part II);