Articles with topic: Prophecy

Jehovah sends warning to the nations about a global conspiracy against the Kingdom which operates from 1914.

The Higher Powers
The final confrontation which will establish once and for all the sovereignty and the ruling of this planet is soon to take place. According to the Bible this confrontation is called Armageddon and it will be manifested with violence. It will be Jehovah's war against Satan and his organization. On which side are you?

The Tree of God and The Explanation For Everything!
The correct meaning of the prophecy sent around 607 B.C.E. provides an explanation for all the evil present in the human society. It explains the past, the present, and the wonderful future that lies ahead of us. Is it possible for the entire evil on this planet to be completly removed? Certainly YES! Enjoy now the Tree of Hope from Jehovah's prophecy!